Chapter 2: how the hell did you die this early?

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it was kind of like a third person dream, except i wasn't in it. instead, two gray silhouettes were fighting each other. Wait what? eventually, once of them dropped their weapon and fell to the ground, where they got stabbed by the other figure. the injured silhouette tried writing something behind them with their own blood, but appeared to die before finishing. the surviving gray person then ran away and a glass ball flew into where i was supposed to be standing.

and i woke up. i looked at the time. 5:36 am. 'that was- weird. anyways time to play mobile games until the morning announcement'

when the announcement played, i turned my handbook off and went to the dining hall, still trying not to think too much about the dream. as the time passed and the hall started to fill, a certain feeling of unease spread

"where are sayaka and byakuya? i mean, him i can understand, but not her." junko suddenly said. After Togami showed up to confirm he, in fact, did not see Sayaka, Makoto looked like he'd seen a ghost. "i-i'll be right back" as he ran to the dorms. not too long after, we heard his ear piercing scream.

a lot of us immediately ran to where we heard the sound, an once we got in.. "yeesh, all that drama for a messy room, 'Koto?" that was me toning things down. his room looked like a fucking nightmare. the walls were slashed, there was a fucking golden sword on the floor and a very passed out naegi next to the bathroom.

i walked towards him with the intent of helping him up, but what i saw just made me wanna join him on the floor. "...guys?" my voice was barely a whisper. soon, more people gathered around the bathroom to see what was up.

Sayaka Maizono was sitting with her back facing the wall. there was blood everywhere and a kitchen knife sticking out of her stomach.

'just like my nightmare.' was all i could think before an announcement rang

Ding dong dong ding

"A body has been discovered! Before anything, please make your way to the gymnasium so i can clear some things out. i'll be waiting~"


"what. the fuck." i said looking at the body "what the fuck." i said looking at naegi passed out "WHAT THE FUCK GUYS?" i said turning towards the crowd "what happened to everything i said last fucking night? How the hell is murder gonna solve anything?" my reaction took some people by surprise

but not her. "(Y/n), you have to understand that just cause your point was good, it doesn't mean everyone will follow through." Kyoko stated simply, with a sideways look at Sayaka's corpse 'but you're not supposed to disagree with me. it's the only thing i'm good for.' i thought, realizing once again that this godforsaken talent means nothing.

"i guess we should head to the gymnasium, then." Byakuya said, already leaving the room. the others soon followed, some more hesitant than other. I grabbed Naeggi by the leg and carried him like a sack of potatoes

Once we were on the gym, it was a matter of waiting for Makoto to wake up. And once he did, he basically speedran the five stages of grief before blaming it on Monokuma.

"Can't you see? That was his fault! There's no way one of us would kill her. not after what (Y/n) said, right?" he looked at me in desperation, but i had no way of consoling him "Koto. She.. was killed. and i'm pretty sure it wasn't Monokuma" before he could respond, the yin yang bitch appeared

!UNDER REWRITE! ~Nightmare~ {danganronpa thh reader insert} Tempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang