Chapter 1

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Sai's pov

Ugh another day of suffering from this awkwardness ,Wish I could put a mask on my face permanently so that I won't be less confident around my teachers .

I never had lack of confidence in me until a group of boys started stalking me here and there like everywhere!

My bestfriends told me to ignore them and I was trying to do it well but samar my classmate and the one whose bffs call me their bhabhi! Forcibly make me shift my focus on him by doing cringe activities .

It sucks totally ! I'm having issues with the one word 'Bhabhi!'

And the most irritating thing is getting shipped with the most unwanted guy you would never want to be with, By your own bestfriends !

Virat chavhan ! Yeah he is the one with whom I'm getting shipped just because one day our teacher appointed us for a project , it could be done in duo only according to their mind so I had to stay in his company for my study purpose and believe me he is a guy with whom you can never be friends ! Atleast a girl like me can never .

He behaves so mannerlessly but glad that he maintained some distance with me unlike other girls ! He is a playboy like making new girlfriend every weak is his hobby and I must appreciate how effortlessly it happens .

He pulls every other girl in our class including my bffs also, How creepy !

Sometimes I wonder how does he manage giving time to them? And aren't we too young for this stuff ? Ugh..

But he's good at working for hours only if he really likes the concept otherwise he doesn't even give a crap about it.

God knows why our teacher appointed him with me? When they could've done appointing rishabh with me.

He is so good at studies , sports , other activities and management ! In short Mr.perfect but he's average looking though it doesn't matter to me! I can admit that I have a huge crush on him but not to rishabh directly because he keeps himself away from girls as he is not like some guy like 'Virat' , he is a gentleman who respect girls and their opinions.


There we go! My friend latika called me out.

"Lesssss goooo!!!!" She held my hand and pulled me inside .

I was standing outside of my class but as I entered inside along with her , samar's group members looked at me and started their usual teasing.

"Ae samar ! Ae samar" Started calling him loudly

I rolled my eyes and sat on my place.

Teacher had decided to let the girls sit with boys as we girls talk alot to each other and according to their brain we can't speak that much to boys like wtf?

Guess who was my benchmate ?

It's the chocolate boy ! (Sarcasm)

Virat chavhan.

I didn't look at him instead I started taking out my notebook .

He was looking at me.

Ugh! Look away!! I was screaming from inside.

He looked away when I didn't give my mandatory stern glare to him.

"Goodmorning students" Our class teachers Ms.chandani mam came.

"Goodmorning teacher" We said in our uniform tone.

"Sit down" She said and turn to the board but as usual she first called me out for cleaning the black board .

Humnavah Mere (Sairat ff) Donde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora