Chapter 2

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Latika was waiting for me in the garden  and as she saw me she rushed towards me and hugged me so tightly .

"I missed you" She broke the hugg and smiled.

"I missed you too" I said and looked around to see if her boyfriend 'Vidhan' was there ? She never comes alone to meet me and I don't understand why her boyfriend gets ready to come with her ? Like how can he become a third wheeler in us ?

I was shocked to saw that she was alone

We sat on the bench and I showed her a bag ! Bag of delicious food ordered from our favorite restaurant.

"You're a keeper sai !" She praised me and grabbed her share of food.

I knew latika is a big foodie ! She loves food more than anything else in this world.

And we share some common traits too like her I also can't stay hungry for so long and if I do then either I end up falling on the floor or crying aloud due to the frustration the starving beast  inside me creates .

We were finishing our food but I didn't realised when latika's big eyes gathered tears within them , My mouth was full and expressions were shook ! I gulped some water and waited till she muffled into a cry .

My eyes widened and jaw dropped , she never cries without any major reason.

I became worried and she finally spoke something .

"All men are same"

She said and I got it who's fault it is?

"Has vidhan done something ?" I asked

"Don't say his name infront of me" she fumed.

"You always say that before getting back to him again" I rolled my eyes

"This time breakup is final" She said.

"You and your relationship dramas are  hectic ! Glad that I'm not a part of such stuffs"

"Soon you will become" She told.

"Me ? no chance"

I'm preety confident on myself that I won't fall for any guy till I pursue my degree , My dream !

"What no chance ? Seven guys have proposed you till now ! Think of college Sai , there will be hot guys who would surely gonna approach you" she said.

"See I'm not interested ! Nothing can piss me more than your dukhda does so it's better for me to stay away from relationship dramas and I'll rather choose to get drawn in studies than in pool of tears".

"Ya ya every girl says this dialogue but not every girl follows it and not every relationship and guy will be toxic yaar"

"Still ! I don't want anyone , I'm better  being alone" I told.


We heard a noise of loud car breaks

Latika and I came outside only to see a guy and an old grandpa on the other side of the car crash , we got worried and went to check on them.

"Dadaji are you okay?" He asked.

Wait ! It's a familiar voice and a broad familiar back for sure , I couldn't see his face but I can guess who he is by the fragrance of his body . I'm very well known to this person! I stood on my place but latika walked near them to check if both of them were okay ? Her expressions changed from worried to stunned or we can say surprised.

"Yes beta I'm okay" Grandpa told.

"Virat" Latika said.

I knew ! I folded my hands across my chest and watched him getting mad at the driver .

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