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- No one's Pov -

The next day also went super fun, Evelyn was in her own world, she forgot that she even has her own parents existing... the day was going good until.... Something happened.

"I did not do it!" Evelyn yelled from the other line of the phone.
"Yes, you did, and now you're gonna be grounded!"
Evelyn's mom yelled back.

"I-I just can't believe how someone's mom can just blame their own kid without knowing the truth." And that's when it hit Evelyn...
She is not her mom.

"Oh, yeah, right... you're not my real mom.. you wouldn't know me well as much as my mom did."
"SHUT UP! I am your real mom! Just stop creating consequences for yourself."

"I need to study now." She said and cut the call.
Her step mom, as cruel as she is, blamed her that she messed up her room...
Not only that, but she also saw a blade in Evelyn's room, which made her think that Evelyn did all this... whereas the truth is,
Evelyn's step brother had done all this to make Evelyn suffer from scoldings.

Evelyn told Emma everything that happened on the call and Emma was extremely concerned about Evelyn as to how she will go back home now. She was worried her step mom might hurt her friend. And so, the day passed by...

The next morning, they were returning to their home... and Emma insisted Evelyn to stay over at her place.. just for one night.

Evelyn agreed after a lot of arguments, and well, since they were pretty tired already, they slept early.

- next day -

"H-hey.. Umm... can I tell you something?" Evelyn asked Emma who was signing her name in the school register.

"Yeah?" Emma replied, her eyes still glued on the register.
"Thankyou for being so kind and amazing, and the way you are is just the best I could ever ask for in a friendship. Thankyou for making me trust you... I hope I can open up with you very soon..." Evelyn smiled and walked pass Emma who was confused about Evelyn's last line
'I hope I can open up with you very soon.'

She thought Evelyn already told her everything about her life.... But the main is yet to come now..

She followed Evelyn to their classroom, and the rest of the morning went pretty busy for the students... they had to submit a project within the next 3 days, and the teacher explained how she wants the project, etc.

"Oh gosh, guess the next two days are gonna go pretty occupied in the project." Evelyn whined and Emma agreed with a sigh.

- After school -

"Hey, let's go and get the materials we need for the project, shall we?"
Emma dragged the lazy Evelyn out of their room and walked towards the shop.
They bought the materials they wanted and were making their way back to school, when they noticed a familiar boy, struggling to get out of someone's grip.

"L-leave me!" The boy who was getting choked by an arm yelled.
Both Emma and, Evelyn ran in the direction and immediately recognised that the boy was none other than.... The bully... the one who had put Evelyn's life in danger.
At first, they thought as to why they should help him, but the next second, they threw the arm away from the boy's neck, and helped the boy run away from there.

After they were away from there, they all panted.
"What the heck?! Why was that person strangling you?!"
Evelyn asked.
"He... he is my elder brother... umm..I forgot to  reply back to his important message.... So he got super angry and... well, yeah.."
He said with a hopeless expression.

"What... why would he strangle you just because you didn't reply to him?" Emma and Evelyn were confused as hell.

"I don't know... he's always been like this.. and I can't do anything about it because I have to live in that house till I don't move in my own.." A sad smile formed on his face.
"Wait.... Is this why you bully people around you? So that all your frustration is taken out by making fun of other people?" Evelyn asked as he nodded and replied,

"Yeah... when I'm at my house, my brother always makes fun of whatever I do in front of my parents... and so i found the bullying as a way to distract myself from my family problems.." He said with a guilt expression.

"I'm so sorry about your family thing... I hope it gets better.. if you want you can join us on the way back to school.." Emma said.
"Thankyou so much, I would love to." He smiled and all three of them made their way to school, together.
They didn't talk much on the way with each other cause, of course, the boy needs some time too.

"Oh, by the way, completely forgot to ask your name.." Evelyn turned to him before they entered the school gate.

"It's better if you don't know." He gave a faint smile to them and left.
"What was that... I mean..." Evelyn and Emma looked at each other, confused.
They anyways went towards their room and interacted a little with Lily.
Recently, Lily hasn't interacted much with them... except for the vacation/trip of course.

"Lily, is everything okay?" Evelyn asked as she sat besides the little girl who was looking out of the window, with a blank stare.
"Yes.." she said, but in a dull voice.

"Lily... you're literally 11... you need to share it with me... please.. I'll be there for you.." Evelyn gave her a reassuring hug.

"I-it's.. ugh fine.... My D-dad... he came to visit me after my school today.. he told me that.. I have to come home today at 9pm... I really don't want to go.." she cried in Evelyn's arms. That's exactly when Emma sat besides them and saw Lily cry her heart out.. her expressions was a mix of Fear and salty tears filled her eyes.

"I-I really don't want to go... pleaseee..." she cried again.
"Don't worry... we'll come with you.. but of course we would be hidden somewhere nearby okay.. don't be scared, if anything happens just scream 'Dad' 3 times and we'll be there in no time... Okay sweetie?" Emma assured her.

Lily nodded and spent a few minutes in Evelyn's arms... she slept for an hour in her warm, comfortable arms.

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