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- Few days later -
- No one's Pov -

Lily recovered, but she's still taking a few days off from school, as doctor had told her not to use her right hand much, and well, she's a righty, so she can't write anything as well.
Sometimes Nolan comes and takes care of Lily, while Emma and Evelyn are in classes.

Nolan and Lily also grew very close and now shared a beautiful bond with each other.
As for Evelyn, her so called "parents" forced her to comeback home and stay with them for few days, so she had to. Emma still stays in the room with Lily, and sometimes Evelyn and Nolan come to meet them after school.

Everything was going just fine, no hate stares to Evelyn anymore by her family, no sign of Lily in danger, and Nolan and Emma became good friends too.
But as they say, there are good days, and bad days.
Seems like Evelyn just has bad days now.

"MISS EVELYN! HOW DARE YOU?!" Evelyn's 'mom' yelled at her as she thought Evelyn slapped her elder brother.

"What do you mean?! I didn't do anything!" Evelyn defended herself.
"Miss Evelyn.... You need to go to mental hospital. How can you always lie so much to me?" Her step mom slapped her.
"Mom.... I-I'm not lying! P-please... for once... believe me." Evelyn cried.
"JUST SHUT UP! Get out of my house. From past many days you've been hitting him and talking rudely to him. I've seen it! I've heard it! Stop lying. Out!" Her mom pushed Evelyn out of the house and shut the door on her face.

At that very moment, it started raining. Evelyn walked in the rain, she tightened her fists, as if trying to control something.
She wanted to call Emma, she really wanted to. But it was past 10:30 pm. She didn't want to disturb her, so she controlled the urge.

"WHY ALWAYS ME?" She looked up in the sky and yelled out.
She kneeled down on the ground and cried as much as she could before all her tears dried up.
She went in the nearby park, and slept on the bench.

On the other hand, Emma wasn't busy. She was in a situation of 'Do or Die.'
Guess what might've happened.

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