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- 8:45 Pm-
- No one's Pov-

"Lily, we're right here, okay? Please don't worry and just be alert when you go inside." Emma instructed Lily, who was all prepared for whatever might happen, good or bad.

"You know what to scream, if anything happens." Evelyn reminded her.
Then, both Emma and Evelyn hid in the bushes of the house's backyard, as Lily went towards the front door and rang the doorbell.

"Hi, my baby!" Lily's father hugged her sweetly.
Lily didn't hug back properly, which kind of pissed her father but he kept quiet.

"Did you come here alone?" He asked as they went in.
"No... Hazel's mom dropped me." She lied.
"Aw, you guys are still friends. Cute." He said.

There was a pin drop silence after that. Lily's dad went in the kitchen as Lily just sat on the couch, fear overcoming her mind every minute.

"Dad.... I wanted to talk to you about something." She finally decided to speak.

"Yes sweetie?" He sat besides her and kept an arm around her shoulder.

"W-why did you hurt me so much...?"
"What do you mean sweetie?" He asked as if he didn't know anything.

"Never mind. Why did you call me here today?"
She asked, nervous of the answer she might get.

"So I can tell you what I did to your mother-"
He was saying but was cut off by Evelyn and Emma barging in from the back window which was open.

"Lily, are you okay?" Evelyn went straight to her and asked, ignoring Lily's father, who's confused as heck.

"Y-yeah..." Lily replied, but they could see that she was on the verge of crying.
"Can we leave p-please?" Lily asked. Evelyn nodded and took her hand.

Evelyn and Lily were gonna step out, but when they looked to their side, Emma was not to be seen.

"EMMA???" Evelyn screamed and when her eyes went near the staircase, she could see Emma being held by Lily's dad.
"I know who this girl is. Such a beautiful face." He looked at her and smiled creepily.

"Let's go Emma." He took her upstairs.
Evelyn and Lily both ran behind them but by the time they got upstairs, the room door was shut in which Emma was dragged in.
"We need to break this door open!! Anyhow!" Evelyn yelled.
"Lily.... Is there any sharp and hard object in this house that might break the door?"
"N-no... i mean, I don't know... it's been long since I came here..."

"Ahhhh!! Wait.... Should I call someone for help?"
"Yes..... I guess."

"Imma call Nolan."
Evelyn took out her phone to call Nolan.
Yes, she could call the police, but this is a matter which she thought she shouldn't be involved in.. since it's not her dad who's doing all this, so she thought to keep it away from the police as much as she can.

"H-hey Nolan... sorry to bother you at this time, needed a very urgent help..."
"Can you come to the address I'm sending you? And bring some object with you to break open a door."
"Uhh okay..."
Nolan cut the call and followed what Evelyn said.
He was super confused as to why Evelyn instructed this at this time of the night, but he knew it would be something bad.

"I'm here, open the main door."
Evelyn rushed downstairs towards the main door, and saw Nolan standing as she opened it.

"Thankyou, now come!" She grabbed his hand and make him run towards the room.

"Woah woah woah, calm down. What is it?"
"I'll explain later, but Emma's in there, and we need to get her out in the next 2 minutes or something extremely bad might happen...."

Nolan panicked and started to try and break the door's lock.
After a few seconds, the door was open, they ran inside and saw Emma's hands tied to the headboard of the huge bed.

"Emma....!!!" Evelyn cried out and ran towards her.
She immediately sensed something off.
As she went closer to Emma, she sensed a noise coming from behind the headboard.

It was... a "gun getting loaded" noise.
As soon as Evelyn saw the gun in Lily's dad's hand, she ran to Emma and tried her best to untie her hands.
Emma struggled to do it quickly, and was shocked as she heard a gunshot go off.

It wasn't Evelyn... it wasn't Emma either.
Who was it...?

right here Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora