Boss from hell, on Earth

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I could see the look on the creeper girl's face as the wither flew out the nether portal. But forget her face! My own expression went from terror to pure joy as brown haired male flung himself towards the wither. STEVE! We'd finally found him!
Ayumi, Mindy, and Elise noticed him as well but were more focused on the monster. I should've been too, but my eyes were getting filled with my own tears, to the point I could barely see.

A slight whimper from the creeper girl forced my attention towards her. Her eyes were also tearing from the sight of Steve... I assume she is the Fria girl mentioned in Steve's note... How ironic, I've been waiting so long to see Steve, and the first thing he does when I see him... is break my heart.

Swallowing my pride I darted for Ayumi. "Andr! Did you see Steve!?" She asked after sending a volley of arrows at the Wither.

"Yeah I saw him, but right now we need to finish the wither off! Or the overworld could be sent into chaos!" Mindy handed me a stone sword and gave Elise a thumbs up.

Elise took in a deep breath and when exhaling she sent a blast of snow at the wither making it flinch then stumble in mid air. "Ayumi! Hit it with everything you've got!" I shouted readying my sword.

Knotting three arrows at once, Ayumi began to send accurate shots at the Wither. Immediately after the third set of arrows I teleported to Steve, who was currently trying to turn off the nether portal to prevent anymore monsters from entering the overworld. "Andr!? What the hell are you doing here!?" He shouted, pulling out a diamond pick from a chest.

"It's great to see you two asshole!" I screamed back as the Wither's attention turned to us.

"Oh shit." Steve said after finally breaking one of the portal's obsidian blocks. The Wither sent wither skeleton heads flying at us. I grabbed Steve and teleported back to the clearing near the creeper girl Fria.

Steve regained his footing and drew his sword again. However, his attention moved to Fria almost instantly. Noticing the arrow in her shoulder, Steve rushed to her side. "Fria are you ok!?" He said shouted worry layering his voice.

It hurt knowing that the first thing he does when reuniting with me, is going to someone else. True she was injured, but.... I couldn't help but miss him. Fria looked up at Steve and smiled with a slight hint of blush on her cheeks. "I'm fine! It's just a scratch." Steve smiled and took a look at the injury.

"You realize you have an arrow in you right? Ok im gonna take this arrow out of the count of 5... ok?" Steve asked patting her head.

"One. Two. thr-" mid way through the word three Steve ripped the arrow out Fria's arm.

She shrieked in pain, immediately after ripping it Steve cradled Fria in his arms while she weeped. However, their sounds were drowned out by the shriek of the wither. Ayumi and Elise had been sending set after set of projectile arrows and ice, at the wither. The Wither looked beaten down.

Somehow Mindy had been on top of the wither clawing fiercely at it. I teleported, sword drawn, to the top of the Wither's head. "Andr! Be careful! The bastard doesn't wanna stay still!" Mindy shouted.

I raised the sword and began slashing violently at the head of the monster. WHY DOESN'T HE PAY ATTENTION TO ME!? NO HI! NO HOW ARE YOU!?

My eyes began to sting again with tears of anger and jealousy. My swings with the sword became more powerful and the strokes became quicker while I swung. The Wither let out a loud shriek as it ripped it's head around. Sending me flying off the head of the beast.

The last thing I saw before slamming into the side of a tree, was the wither conjuring a fireball to launch at Ayumi, Elise, Steve, and Fria.


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