A hatred is born

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I woke up to a warm bed and a running furnace. It appeared to be cooking some steaks. I could hear talking in the background, it sounded like apologies?

Slowly I turned to face the source of the talking. Ayumi was repeatedly saying sorry for shooting Fria, and Fria in turn laughed and shook her hands signaling it was fine. Mindy and Elise munched on some food in the corner of the room. Steve sat on the bed I laid in appearing to be frustrated with himself at something. His look of anger left him once he noticed my movement. "Andr! Your ok!" He said shooting to his feet.

I'm not to sure why, but I had this awful feeling in my stomach. Ayumi darted and nearly slid halfway across the room to my bedside. I sat up and smiled, choking down the unsettling feeling, Mindy and Elise walked over, and Fria stared at me from where she sat.

Steve sat down on the other side of the bed next to me, he then grasped my hand and held it in his... he didn't forget? "How are you feeling?" Mindy asked.

"A slight headache... that's all." I could feel my gaze being pulled towards Fria the creeper. I tried my best not to show it, but I had this deep hatred in me... an envy I think. Or maybe that was the look from her.

Elise shuffled. "H-hey guys, I think we should tell her."

I looked up with a confused look on my face. A pain grew on my hand from Steve squeezing it. "What happened?"

"Andr... you've been out for nearly a month. Breathing was steady... but no movement for a month." My eyes widened.

"At first we thought it was a mixture of your head injuries, and a loss of blood."

Loss of blood? I turned my body towards Steve. Putting my foot on the cold ground. I wince and began to dread putting my other foot on it, yet I continued the motion none the less. I swung around my right leg, which began to throb with pain.

My eyes widened as the removed covers revealed my right leg.

The top of my hips were wrapped in guaze, the guaze stopped immediately after it began on the left leg. But the right leg had it wrapped the entire way down to my feet. "Oh my notch! What happened!?" I shouted tears quickly building up in my eyes.

Steve used his thumb to rub my hand, in an attempt to calm me down. "As we said... at first we thought it was loss of blood. But I returned to the nether, and spoke to this old man. The Wither marked you... placing it's scent into your leg. It'll track us, since the first fight the wither has come back three times. Using that mark in your leg as a tracking beacon."

I felt myself slump back into my bed. "Three times... meaning... three times you've faught the wither. While protecting me, and still it follows?" I thought, suddenly remembering my unsettling feeling. Was this it!? No, what's wrong??

"Steve. I've got this bad feeling... what is it? What's wrong?" I said

At that moment Fria spoke up. "You died. For 17 hours 6 minutes and 23 seconds. We all agreed to bury you. Before the stench began, when you started breathing again. Was when we decided not to put you in the ground. Honestly I'm still contemplating it." Fria shot me the most evil stare I'd ever seen.

"Fria!" Steve said the sound of disbelief layered his voice.

With her back turned to us, Fria stood and left the room. My fists tightened on the bed sheets. Was this because of our fight?

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