Going no where

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The room was left in an awkward silence after Fria stormed out. She hadn't really given a warning to that outburst, but I can't really blame her. If I had been attacked out of a jealous fit, I wouldn't be so quick to forgive either.

The truth was seeing her in Steve's home set me off. I thought he'd forgotten about everything. The war, Cupa, me.... But to see the Wither appear like that, shocked me.

"What's our next move?" Mindy said.

"Shouldn't we go after it?" Elise replied which received a nod of approval from Ayumi.

"I agree, the Wither can't just be free to roam on Minecraftia, that could spell trouble." I mumbled.

"If we follow the path of destruction the Wither leaves we should be able to find it eventually... but Andr has been out for a while, that thing could be hundreds of miles away." Steve said.

The prep for this journey could easily take three days. Gathering food, weapons, armor, info, and a form of transportation could just put more distance between us and the Wither. "Preparing for this journey could take a while. That's time we don't have."

Fria re-entered the room, a serious look on her face let me know she was still angry. However the blush covering her face confused me greatly. "S-steve... we need to talk... now..." I slowly let go of Steve's hand as he pulled away to go converse with Fria.

"I'll be back."

With that, they left the room. Mindy turned towards me. "So how's the pearl?"

I looked at my right hand, removing the glove and revealing a small black and purple enderpearl planted in my hand. It was cracked...

"It's not doing to well... maybe we should wait a bit longer." Mindy examined my palm and sighed.

We can't wait... to much time was already lost because of me, we have to move. "I'll be fine."

"Andr you're not-"

"I'm fine, that's the end of it." I said sternly.

Mindy huffed and nodded. Elise walked over and sat down on the ground next to my bed. "So what do we do with Fria?" She asked.

I scratched at my head and thought about all these variables that held us back. My condition, preparation, time, and Fria. While all these thoughts ran through my head Steve re-entered the room. Fria wasn't with him.

"What's going on Steve?" Ayumi asked.

"I told Fria we planned to move out, she wants to go. But doesn't want to at the same time. She's really confusing me." Steve said frustration lining his voice.

"I'm gonna go out and begin prep for the journey, this could take a while so I don't plan to sleep tonight. You all should get some rest." Steve stated.

I heard a door in the other room close and Steve mumbled under his breathe. Mindy noticed as well, she always was very observant. As for me?

I love Steve, I notice everything now. "Alright, I'll go to sleep, in the morning I'll need your help Ayumi to collect food and water. Andr, you should fix things with Fria in the morning. Don't go far from where we can hear you, you know, like somewhere you can drop a dead body!" Mindy said with her smirk sending a chill down my spine.

"That's not funny!" I sighed.

"Steve, be back by morning so you can eat and rest..." I said nervously.

He nodded, I just got him back... and he's ready to go off on his own again. "So who wants to make the sick chick some food in the morning?" I joked.

"You aren't sick, make some damn food yourself." Elise said sticking her tongue out.

I laughed at her response and remembered having been tasked with working along side Fria. "So I plan to chop down some trees for blocks on the journey, I'll ask Fria to help with that."

The fire in the room died down, beginning to allow darkness to take over the room. "I'm going to sleep now." Ayumi said stretching and standing from the bedside.

"Me too, Steve got any guest rooms?" Mindy asked as Elise stood with her.

"I've got a huge bed in my room, you guys can share. Or I have extra wool and oak planks if you want me to cook up some beds quick." Steve said.

"Nah we'll be fine." The three girls left the room leaving me and Steve alone.

He walked over and sat on the bed next to me. Steve curled his fingers into my hand. I rested my head on his shoulder. "War never changes..." I say. "Blood is all that comes from it. Evil blood, good blood, innocent blood. But yet we continue to fight. It's pointless."

"That's not true... though motives for fighting change, the clash of good versus evil is never pointless. This war we are in... is for the lives of all who live in the past, the present, and the future. Our actions will allow the next generation to live the lives we wish we had been given. Ones with peace, frienship, love, and safety. That's why I'll continue to fight, so that my kids can have a life I wish to have. And the same for their children after them." He said.

I felt my heart melt at the sound of his words... "Steve... I'm so scared..." I said as tears stung at my eyes.

"Don't be..." He said hugging me tightly.

"Don't go... not again." I said face buried in his chest.

His silence to my plead left me uneasy. With a slight squeeze from Steve I smiled.

"I'm not going anywhere..." He said softly, kissing my head as I slowly drifted to sleep.

War for Minecraft (Book 2)Onde as histórias ganham vida. Descobre agora