History repeats itself

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Someone was calling... it didn't sound like urgent calls just slight searching ones... I opened my eyes to see Steve laying next to me asleep, my head on his chest and our hands interlocked. I was wearing just my black sweater, no hat, no shoes, no shorts, and no socks. I blushed at this fact and found myself staring at our hands to get my mind of that thought. I smiled at our hands until the sound of the room's door opening forced me to frown.

My peace had been interrupted, I looked up at the figure starting me and Steve down, tears in her eyes. "Steve?" Fria said as she brought her hands to her mouth, in a failed attempt to try and keep the sound in.

Steve rolled around sleepily and glanced at Fria. "Fria? Are you ok?" He said with a yawn.

Fria's bangs fell over her eyes as she mumbled something and left the room with a slammed door. This feeling was indescribable, it started awkwardly... then shifted into a form of satisfaction, seeing the tears from her. And now, I feel pain.

"Dammit, I forgot to tell her about us." Steve said rubbing the tired out his eyes.

"Seriously," I giggled. "All the time I've been knocked out, you haven't brought it up? You're such a procrastinator."

Steve huffed. "It's not my fault." He said, looking at our hands.

"We'd better join everyone downstairs." I stated sitting up.

He nodded. I stood and walked towards the smell of breakfast with Steve dragging behind, our hands still locked together. I looked down the steps as we made our way downstairs.

I stopped and took in the scenery. The four other girls occampanying us on the journey all sat around a table eating and conversing. Steak, eggs, milk, and bread sat on two plates in vacant seats.

Mindy looked over and made a sarcastic smile as she spoke. "Well there's the king and queen themselves!" Steve laughed at Mindy's remark along with everyone else, including Fria...

I couldn't take my eyes off her... she was smiling and laughing... even though she was just crying. Was she faking a smile?

Steve and I sat down next to Ayumi and Elise. The food was good, I couldn't help but feel this odd pressure with Fria sitting across from me, she just smiled and ate like nothing happened.

I looked to my left at Steve but never let my eyes leave Fria. She had something weird coming off her.... it looked like green effects... very tiny specs not normally visible to the eye. Then I looked at her glass of milk... it was completely full. My eyes widened as my fears were confirmed. Quickly I shot out my seat, grabbed my milk, and Fria's shocked face and forced fed her the milk.

The group sat shocked and confused faces on their faces as Fria coughed out some of the milk onto the floor. "What the hell was that?" Steve said, giving me an odd look as I tried to catch my breath.

"Uh yeah Andr, you can't go around feeding people..." Elise said quickly drinking all her milk.

"Is something wrong?" Ayumi said looking at the still coughing Fria.

"So I was right then..." Mindy said giving an emotionless stare at Fria. "You have no pride." Mindy said to Fria as she turned to walk off, arms folded.

"What the hell were you thinking!?" I screamed at Fria, at this point she was no longer coughing up milk and instead remained silent.

Steve nudged me. "Care to fill me in?" Steve said knotting his eyebrows.

He gave me a look as if I was crazy. The nerve! Tears stung at my eyes as I slapped Steve, I bit my lip. "Fria was poisoned!" I shouted.

Steve held his face with a shocked look as the word poison left my mouth. Quickly Steve rushed to her side asking if she was ok while Fria remained on her hands and knees. "Why?" I asked.

Fria glanced at me, bangs still covering her eyes. "Steve..." Fria mumbled.

Her response wasn't what I wanted to hear. A reason for poisoning herself... after Blazette died from poison, this girl is going to attempt at suicide? No, this reason better be the best I've ever heard!

"Steve...." Fria muttered again.

"Fria why'd you do it?" He said, worries clouding his true emotions.

Steve may have been angrier than I, more so because someone he cared for was about to kill herself again. Where as Blazette I only cared for, this girl I dislike, but she doesn't deserve to die. "You lied to me Steve..." Steve had made an attempt to pat her back when that sentence came out, causing him to freeze.

"What did I do?" He said.

Elise, Ayumi, and myself listened silently as the two conversed. "You lied," Fria screamed looking up at Steve tears flowing from her eyes.

"You said you wouldn't hurt me anymore." She said looking back down at her hands.

"Steve... I hate you...."

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