hair damage and trying to commit suicide

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The next day at school was normal until lunch. "What would u like?"the lunch ladieasked. I order my lunch and sit at my table with Bryan by my.side. "Ima go throw my lunch away"Chloe says as getting up from the table.Chloe then stops at her tracks when a boy yells something horrible. "Hey I heard you got sent to a crazy hospital for trying to get drugs for your mom.....must be a crack head hahahha!" everyone starts laughing but Chloe looks close to tears just when makenzie gets up and slaps her"stop being a cry baby!" I stand up to go to Chloe when she runs out of the cafateria. ( Later that night) phone:buzzz.
Nikki:zoey do you know what time it is I need to...
Zoey:nikki Chloe she tried to kill herself !
Zoey: nikki I just get over to the hospital now!
Nikki:ok I'm on my way(hangs up)

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