Study Session

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I sat up on my seat.

"You should've taken sleeping classes" My teacher told me as she was walking back up to the front of the class.

I yawned and stretched on my seat. I was so tired from last night, playing video games with my big brother.

Everybody in class looked at me and I just groaned, looking at the teacher as she was writing down work.


The bell rang, I stood up to leave when my teacher called me over.

"Yes, miss?" I asked, "Ms. Y/N, you are failing this class, which means that the finals are going to determine if you graduate from college or fail and have to restart, so I believe that you will have to now study and I have a student willing to study with you, Mr. Jihoon would you please come in?" I groaned as someone walked into the classroom.

A man a little shorter than the teacher walked in. He had rounded glasses, he was carrying 4 books. His skin was pale, hair that was brown and messy, eyes that were a bit darker than his hair. He was wearing a dress shirt with a nude patterned sweater over it. He had on black dress pants along with black dress shoes.

For a moment there I thought he looked extremely cute.

"He will be helping you try to pass, now you may go" she said, I looked at her with a disgusted face then walked out of the classroom.

I took out my phone and started walking to my next class and texting to some friends when I felt a light tap on my shoulder.

"Excuse me..w-when can we study?" Said a gentle voice which sounded like an angel.

I looked behind me to find Jihoon "oh um..I actually have every other day" I said then I continued to walk.

"But the teacher said you needed help" said Jihoon who catched up to me. I sighed and looked at him, fake smiling.

"Fine we can, you can meet me it fine if at your house?" I asked him, he nodded and so did I.

"Alright let's exchange numbers then and you can text me your address" I said as he took out his phone from his pocket and handed it to me, I typed in my phone number and gave him his phone back.

"Alright you have it now ima go on my way" I said then left him behind.



I arrived to his house, which was surprisingly only 10 minutes from mine. A middle aged man with dark brown hair opened the door.

"I'm here to study with Jihoon" I told the man.

"Jihoon your study buddy is here for you!" He yelled, he then looked up and down at me.

"You can go upstairs to the left, that's his room" he said as he walked me inside the house.

"Please tell Jihoon that we will be out and we will come back in Sunday" he said, as a middle aged women, with a purple dress that went down to her knees walked out the kitchen.

They both walked out of the house as I nodded and looked around, I then made my way up to his room.

"Its small but pretty spacious", I thought, I sat on the corner of his bed, looking around.

I saw the door open, seeing a half naked Jihoon with only a towel wrapped around his waist enter as he was drying his hair with another towel, making him unable to see me.

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