Blood Thirsty Man Pt. 2

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It has been 5 months since the incident, The day that has changed my life and made me not go out anymore. Every night that I sleep, I can feel his presence, his touch, his hot breath lingering on my neck.

I laid down on my bed, hugging the humongous egg plushie I had beside me. I couldn't stop thinking about him. He was too beautiful but yet scary to think about.

I sighed and got up before my alarm could ring, I can't sleep nowadays and it has really been fucking up me up each and every day. It feels like someone has been watching me.

It was time for me to go to work. I hated my job with a passion, but I can't quit since it pays really good money. I was working as a photographer's assistant. My boss is a literal bitch when it comes to last minute deadlines and if even a speck of dust touches her studio and camera.

I put on an all black outfit since we had an event to go to today. I took the bus to the studio. Whilst I was looking out the window, I was wondering what event we had today since my boss would tell me a couple weeks before it happens, but this one was last minute.

As I was thinking about that, I haven't noticed that the bus was getting packed already. I felt a heavy body slam down on me, which snapped me out of my thoughts. I pushed the body off of me.

"What the fuck?!" I exclaimed.

"Oh my bad." A soft, yet deep voice with an Australian accent apologizes. I look up and see an angel like man. I was too mesmerized by his looks that I missed my stop.

"Oh shit!" I get up quickly and pressed the Stop button by my seat.

"It's cool, it's cool." I told the man. I made my way through the crowded bus and got off.

"He was so fine." I thought to myself as I made my way to the studio. As I entered the studio, people were running around and getting equipment ready as quick as possible.

"My god Y/N why are you late?!" Said my work best friend Ily. She pulled me to an area where the camera equipment was.

"You're going alone to the event today, Miss Snot Face is fucking sick and also having divorce problems with her ex husband. Also nobody is able to go with you today since the boss requested only you to go because you got more experience than any of us." She said as she holds my hands and shakes her head.

"W-well why don't you come with me?" I asked

"Sorry bestie but like I got to edit those pictures from last weeks Baby Carpet. The moms from there won't stop calling us and I got like 3,000 photos for the event left." She sighed.

"Dang, well I guess today is my lucky day foo sure." I sighed and started packing a Canon camera with a flash and tripod.

"You sure you can't come with me?" I begged Ily.

"I wish I could but also." She leans in close to my ear.

"I heard that the event you're going to is like filled with dangerous people and you won't leave till like 2am, so like I ain't fucking going. My sleep way too valuable ." She whispers.

I looked at her with a scared expression before she pushes me off to the back of the studio and hands me car keys.

"It's for the small car and this is the address." She hands me a piece of paper.

"Ily this is 2 hours away." I looked at her with a faceless expression.

"Not my fault that they hired us." She said, putting her hands in the air while backing away and disappearing into the studio, waving goodbye.

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