Chapter six

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~The next morning~

Lucy's POV

I woke up on the couch to find myself alone. Looking around, it seemed that Sting had already left the house. I got up and stretched as I tried to fully awaken. I made my way to the kitchen to find a note on the counter. 

'Go to the store and pick me up food. I'll be tracking your phone.' It read. I sighed. I decided to get ready quickly before going out. I took a quick shower, ate some food, and put on some casual clothing. 

I grabbed my phone, keys and purse before heading out the door. I sat silently as I drove to the store, lost in my own thoughts. Once I arrived, I parked my car and went inside. Knowing Sting, he would expect me to get him alcohol, so that was the first place I went. After grabbing that, I decided to browse through the aisles. 

As I looked through, I heard someone call my name. "Hey Luce! I didn't think you'd be here." Hearing his voice, I immediately knew who it was.

"Hey Natsu. Sting just wanted me to pick some stuff up. What are you doing here?" I asked, picking a box of soda as I did. "Just weekly grocery shopping." I nodded in response. 

"You mind if I tag along with you?" He asked, that puppy-dog look in his eyes. I rolled my eyes and smiled. "Sure, why not?" 

~Time Skip~

We ended up catching up a lot, and even ordered some ice cream from the store we were in. "So you've been stuck in this relationship for 2 years?" Natsu asked me as a refresher while we enjoyed our cold treats. "2 1/2 to be exact." He ran his hands through his hair in disbelief. "My god. We need to get you out of that. Is there any way I ca-" "No!" I suddenly interrupted, startling him. I cleared my throat.

"Sorry, but no thanks. I've tried and every time he always seems to manipulate me to stay." I explained, a saddened tone washing over me. "Well what has he done?" He asked.

"He's threatened a lot, including killing me, my family, or himself." Natsu's eyes widened. "Jeez." 

"And I don't want to risk leaving because I worry he might actually do it." He observed in concern, an empathetic look washing over his face. It made me blush slightly. 

"I don't know what I'm gonna do." I mumbled out, my eyes beginning to fill with tears. "Hey," He spoke suddenly, place his hand on my cheek. "I'll do everything I can to get you out of that situation. I promise." 

I leaned into his palm in comfort. "Thank you." We exchanged smiles before he realized what just happened. He pulled his hand away and quickly apologized, blushing madly. I giggled slightly.

A wave of fear washed over me as I quickly checked the time. "Shit, shit shit!" I spoke out of worry. "What? What's wrong?" Natsu asked, concerned.

"I was supposed to be home already! I'm sorry, but I have to go." Before he could say anything, I quickly rushed to my car and drove off.

I could hear my phone chiming as I quickly drove home. I pulled into the driveway to find two cars already here. I sighed and walked inside with the groceries, struggling to hold them all. Placing the bags on the counter, I could here the sounds of moaning coming from Sting and some random girl in our bedroom.

I rolled my eyes and went to the guest room where many of my things were, including clothes and hygiene products. As I sat down on the bed, blank minded I decided to check my phone for messages. I had 5 new messages from Natsu.

Natsu: Hey, you ok? You kinda just left out of nowhere

Natsu: Luce, you alright?

Natsu: Did I say something?

Natsu: Whatever I did, I'm sorry

Natsu: Please respond

I quickly opened the keyboard.

Lucy: Don't worry, you didn't do anything. I just didn't want to be home late.

As quickly as I replied, he sent back a message.

Natsu: He didn't do anything to you, did he??

I smiled at Natsu's concern.

Lucy: No he didn't, it's ok

Natsu: Okay, good because I would've beat the shit out of him lol

Lucy: Yeah it's all good

Natsu: Just let me know if you need anything, ok?

Lucy: Ok

Natsu: Goodnight 😪

Lucy: Goodnight 😊

My smile grew as I looked back at our conversation. After so many years, I forgot how he made me feel. Being honest, I missed that feeling. I sighed, the thought of his smile helping me fall right to sleep.


The next day, I was awoken to the sounds of loud crashing and glass shattering. I sighed. 'Probably getting a beer.' I thought. My eyes shifted over to my right, where my phone laid, charging.

Without question, I picked it up and immediately checked for messages. A smile appeared on my face on I saw the message.

Natsu: Good morning, Luce 😋

Lucy: Good morning ✨

Natsu: So I was wondering 👉👈

Lucy: Yeah?

Natsu: Do you think we could go somewhere today?

Lucy: If Sting leaves, I'll let you know

Natsu: Ok thanks 😆


sighed, closing my phone before setting it down on my bedside. I listened for outside, trying to hear for any indications that Sting was there. I couldn't hear anything, so I peeled behind the door to double check before walking out to the kitchen.

I flinched when I felt a hand on my shoulder. I turned around, seeing Sting behind me. I couldn't read his face; I couldn't tell what he was feeling.

"Why were you late last night?" He asked, a monotone voice leaving his mouth. "I had trouble finding some of the groceries. It won't happen again." I told him, keeping my emotions in check as I spoke. He stared at me, not saying a word, before walking away and leaving to our room. I quietly sighed of relief as I watched him walk away.

I heard my phone go off from the other room. Reluctantly, I made my way to it to check what it was. I was in shock.

It was my dad...

To Be Continued...

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⏰ Last updated: Feb 23, 2023 ⏰

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