Chapter three

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??? POV

I couldn't help it. I grabbed her face and kissed her. She seemed surprised at my sudden action. I missed this feeling. Luce's soft lips against mine. Being this close to her again. Tasting that sweet strawberry flavored chapstick I missed so much. I never got over her. It's been 5 1/2 years, and I've been in love with her this entire time. I wish I would've gotten to explain to her what she saw. If that happened we'd probably still be together. Who knows, maybe we would've gotten married.

I eventually ended the kiss. I stared deeply into her eyes. She stared back. She then kissed me back, pushing herself close to me. I was surprised, though after a few seconds I started kissing back. We started getting more intimate with our kissing. It turned to a full make out session.

Though I loved feeling this after so long, I felt bad. She's unitentionally cheating on her boyfriend, and I'm letting it happen. Sure, he is extremely abusive and cheats on her all the time. And he definitely doesn't deserve someone as amazing as Luce, but it's still wrong. I should know. I went through that almost 6 fucking years ago.

I would've stopped, but I couldn't. I just loved and missed this feeling so much. I missed Luce so much. I eventually stopped the session. She looked confused. "What's wrong?" She asked. I smiled and grabbed her hand. She seemed to catch on and laughed. We got into my car and drove to my place. She told me earlier that she took a cab here so I didn't have to worry about leaving her car here. I took her to my place.

That's when things got real...

End Chapter

Hope you guys liked this chapter! And before you ask, yes the next chapter will be a smut. Only it will still be small. I hope you guys like this! See you guys later!

Peace out!✌️

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