Chapter five

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Lucy's POV

I woke up with a pounding headache. Groaning, I placed my hand gently on my forehead. My eyes lightly opened, adjusting to the sunlight blaring through the window. I slowly blinked, not fully awake while taking in my surroundings. My eyes shot open once I realized this wasn't my house.

A feeling of nostalgia washed over me while I observed the room around me. Everything seemed so familiar, but I didn't know how. As I went to sit up, I found that someone's hands were tightly around my waist.

Afraid it might be Sting, I glanced over to the other person's direction. What I saw left me in complete shock. "Natsu?!" I yelled.

I couldn't believe it. I was lying in bed with my ex boyfriend. Realizing I was naked made it even worse. 'I had sex with my ex?!' I thought. My hand found it's way to my mouth, covering it in shock. He still lie asleep.

I found myself watching his every movement as he slept. The heavy rise and fall of his chest with his mouth slightly agape, letting soft breaths through his pink lips.

His hair was the same vibrant pink it was before, though it was longer now. His bangs now covered his eyes slightly with the back going to about his shoulders. He had a few scars here and there, a couple I remembered from our high school years. His chest was toned, tough but soft at the same time.

'He's as handsome as he was before' Realizing what I just thought, I shook it off. I can't let my feelings come back. He broke my heart. He'd do it again. Besides, I'm with Sting now...but that's not any better.

I sighed. I eventually realized my situation and pushed him off the bed, pulling the blanket over me. He woke up with the loud crash of his head landing against the floor boards. "Ow! What the hell?!" His voice. God his voice. It was the same raspy voice, only deeper and more mature.

I shook the thought away and sat there, staring in his direct. The moment he stood up, he realized what he was dealing with. His eyes went wide. "Luce! Oh my god I'm so sorry ab-" I cut him off.

"What am I doing in your room? Matter of fact, why am I naked?!" He had a look of guilt spread across his face. "Well we both are, so I'm assuming we had sex.." He said quietly, his tone very obvious full of guilt. "Yeah, no shit Sherlock. What happened?" I waited for his response, assuming he knew. "I really have no idea. I think we got drunk and one thing led to another, this happened." He moved his hand, gesturing to us.

I sighed heavily, searching around to room for my clothes. It was silent for a moment. Natsu slid on his boxers, sitting down on the bed next to me. I turned away, intentionally ignoring him.

He sighed. "Luce, can you please talk to me?" His voice was full of sadness. It made me want to jump up and wrap my arms around him, but I resisted. "What is there to talk about?" I asked, avoiding his gaze.

He hesitated, placing his hand gently on top of mine. No matter how much I wanted to, I didn't pull away. I couldn't. "Us. I never got to explain myself." I brought my attention towards him.

"It's pretty self explanatory. You were kissing Lisanna because you fell out of love with me." He immediately started shaking his head in denial.

"No, Luce that's not it at all!" He seemed so genuine. "Then why did you do it?" I awaited for him to explain himself. Just before he was about to start, I started panicking.

"Oh shit! What time is it?!" He startled, grabbing his phone quickly. " 11 am, why?" I grabbed the blanket and wrapped it around myself, quickly picking up my clothes that were scattered around the room. "Fuck, this is bad!" Natsu quickly got up to help me. "Hey, what's wrong? Are you late for something?"

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