Chapter two

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Normal POV

The mans expression was full of shock. "Lucy?" He asked, unsure that it was really her. "Yeah! Hehe, h-how'd ya know?" She replied in her very drunken state. He would've told her, but to how drunk she was, she probably wouldn't remember any of it. He sighed. "Lucky guess." He told her.

"You seem really out of it. Do you need to sit down?" He changed the subject, offering her help. She nodded and held onto him, tighter than before. He walked her over to a small couch and sat her down. He decided to make small talk.

"So why'd you come here?" She began to tear up at the mention of the question. He looked at her in concern. She was balling her eyes out explaining her problems to this "stranger". He sat there and listened as she continued to ball her eyes out. Eventually, she calmed down. He gave her a tissue on the counter behind them. She sniffled. "Thank you." She thanked him. "Don't worry about it." He told her. He was really happy that he was able to help her like he wished he could years ago.

He thought about what to do. He then got a great idea. "How about this. How about we spend the rest of the night together. I bet it'll make you feel better." He told her. She thought about it, still drunk. "Yeah!" Is all she said before standing up and yanking him up as well. He laughed and followed her.

They had the best time. They danced, sang, drank and tons more. Though the man had drank, he was still in a sober state. However, Lucy was very drunk. So drunk that she was completely blacked out in her mind.

At some point, they finally took a break. "That was fun!" Lucy stated and giggled. The man smiled at her. He then stared at her for a little. She noticed and looked at him too, a little hazily. "What is it?" She asked, confused.

He couldn't help it. He grabbed her face and kissed her.

End Chapter

Hope you guys enjoyed this! I know that these chapters are a lot shorter than my other stories but I'm planning on keeping it like that. See you guys!

Peace out!✌️

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