Chapter one

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A banging on the bathroom stall got my attention. "Vanessa? Hey, Van, is everything okay? Did you OD in there?"

"No, Kayden, I didn't. But I might has well." I said and stormed out of the bathroom stall, dropping my backpack on the floor and leaning my hands against the sink of the girls' bathroom.

"What's so bad—wait. What's this?" Kayden snatched a white stick from my back pocket and her eyes went wide as she looked at me. "Oh, my God.'re pregnant."

I snatched the test back from her and tossed it in the trash, leaning my back against the bathroom wall and sliding down onto the floor, putting my head in my hands.

"But how?" she asked as she sat down next to me.

"Well, you see, when a girl and a guy—"

"I know how it happens, Vanessa!" she said and smacked my arm. "But you've only been at Yale for two weeks. How—" she stopped mid-sentence and made a big 'o' with her mouth. "The sorority party I made you go to with me."

"Yeah. Thanks a lot." I said with a big sigh, leaning my head back against the wall. "Oh man, my parents are going to murder me."

The loud ringing of the school bell interrupted our conversation, the two of us getting up and pulling our backpacks on as we exited the bathrooms and into the filled halls of students walking around.

"Don't breath a word of this to anyone, okay? I mean it. Not even Ryan." I said, knowing very well that she would tell her boyfriend unless I told her specifically not to.

"Okay. But we'll talk about this when you get back to our dorm?" Kayden asked as we walked down the halls and into our Criminology class, finding our seats.

"Fine. Whatever." I set my backpack down on the floor by my seat and looked to my left, immediately regretting where I was sitting.

"Hey, Vanessa." Leon said in a seductive voice that would make most girls dissolve into giggles.

"What do you want?" I asked the bleached blond.

"I just wanted you to know that I had a fun time last night." he said softly and placed his hand on my thigh.

I slammed my leg up into the bottom of my desk and heard his hand crack, making him pull his hand back and cradle it like a child.

"Don't you ever touch me again, pervert." I snapped at him and he scoffed, getting up out of his seat and leaving the class, the teacher lecturing us paying him no mind.

"You hooked up with Leon Marshall? The football captain?" Kayden said in a hushed voice as she leaned towards me.

"Shut up." I told her.

"Girl, you must have been wasted because there is nothing that is remotely attractive about that man." she said with a snigger. "Was it at least good?"

"I wouldn't know. I was wasted." I answered her truthfully.

"Are you at least going to tell your FBI brother?" she asked.

"No." I answered stubbornly. "I'm not bothering him with a mistake I made."


I slammed the door to our dorm room and startled Kayden as she watched the news of an escaped serial killer.

"Jesus, you scared me." Kayden said as she clutched at her heart. "Where have you been that made you in such a foul mood?"

"I went down to the football field and found Leon making out with Chrissy Allen." I said and opened the fridge, grabbing a juice box and sitting in a red velvet chair by the tv.

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