Chapter six

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The bar was filled with blaring music.

I watched from a booth as Kayden flirted with an attractive dark-haired man who looked a few years older than her.

"Vanessa. Lovely seeing you here." William slid into the cushioned bench across from me, a glass of red wine in his hands.

"William. Here to try and recruit me again? Because it's still going to be a no." I said, pushing aside my empty glass of red sparkling grape juice.

"Must everything be about recruitment? No. I'm simply here because it's happy hour." he took a drink of his cup. "Your father wasn't pleased when he visited you."

"I bet. But I don't care about my father." I said, leaning back in my seat.

"I can tell." He nodded, looking towards where Kayden was, pointing. "That your roommate?" he brushed his blond hair from his eyes.


"Hm," He set his lips against his forefingers, his elbows set on the table. "She seems...eccentric. For a collage girl."

"Yeah. That's why I chose her. She balances my weirdness out and makes me feel less odd about myself." I nodded.

"Odd? How so?"

I chuckled dryly, shaking my head once. "I don't need to explain myself to you. You'll probably go back and report it to my father."

"Not tonight, darling. Tonight, everything that happens here, stays here. So, say you were to spill your guts out to me, I'd stay quiet. Or, say, if we found a good use of the back room after a few drinks, I'd stay quiet about that too."

"William, I am pregnant. I can't drink." I told him.

"You could, if you wanted to risk your baby's health." he corrected me, leaning forward and setting his hands over mine. "One night. Have fun. Your roommate already is."

I looked over and saw Kayden sending me an excited smile before the handsome stranger took her hand and they left together out of the bar.

"There goes my ride for tonight.." I muttered. "Unless you happen to have a car."

He smiled. It was a nice smile—a very nice smile. "Darling, I have a motorcycle."

"In that case, I'd rather not die when going back to campus."

"Then don't." he shrugged. "I own the loft above this bar. I'm offering you a place to sleep. One night only."

"What's the catch?" I asked, knowing he wouldn't offer me anything without getting something in return.

He smiled again, leaning in even closer. He smelled of fresh roses and of spiced cinnamon. "I'm afraid I only have one bed."

"Then I'll take the couch." I insisted quickly.

He pouted slightly, sitting back in his chair, finally pulling his hands back to settle on the table in front of him. "Very well. Shall we?" he stood up, offering me his hand.

I smacked his hand away, getting up slowly and following him to the back of the bar, opening up a door and gesturing me up the stairs before closing it behind him.

"Let me guess. Your place looks like a torture chamber?" I guessed as he went to unlock the door to his loft.

"Not quite." he opened the door, walking through with me and closing the door behind him.

It was exact opposite of what I had thought. It was actually...cozy. The entire West wall of the loft was built-in bookshelves stacked with volumes of all sizes, a large kitchen was opposite it—decorated in grey marble. A rustic deep red couch sat in the middle of a large carpet across from a flat-screen tv, and a large balcony jutted out beyond the floor-length glass windows.

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