Chapter two

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I awoke in a random bed in a well-lit room, the sounds of traffic sounding faintly outside and birds chirping.

"Ah, you're awake. Good." a male voice said.

I sat up in the bed and saw a tall man with blond hair and dark eyes, wearing a suit and cleaning his hands on a white handkerchief, staining the white cloth a rusty red.

"Where am I?" I asked the stranger.

"Come with me." the man said, waiting for me to get out of bed to walk out of the room with me following him into a large parlor that looked like a saloon in olden times.

A familiar grey-haired man sat on a stool at the bar smoking a cigarette, finally seeing us and gesturing us over.

"Thank you, William. You may leave."

"A phone call would have sufficed, Dad." I said to the grey-haired man, taking a seat next to him as William left us.

"Where's the fun in that?" Dad asked as a puff of smoke blew over me, making me cough.

"You could have made my capture hurt less." I said, rubbing the spot where the tranquilizer dart hit.

"Hm. That's the soft side of you. Your mother's side. We'll train you to be without one soon enough." he said and snuffed out his cigarette, taking a long sip of his whisky.

"I'm sorry, 'we'?" I asked.

"Yes. Did William not tell you why you are here?" Dad asked, looking at me.

"Well I haven't really been here that long." I answered.

"Ah, well, in that case, allow me. I run a business where people all around the world have the chance to become something more. I help them to unlock their need to kill. To spark the flame." Dad said, "and I believe you are the next."

"A psychopath, you mean." I said, shaking my head. "Sorry, Dad, but I'm not your girl."

"Oh, but you are. I saw that look on your face all those years ago when I took you out hunting and you shot your first rabbit."

I leaned forward slightly. "I was five, Dad. Five years old when that happened. I'm not doing that again."

"Fine. Leave if you want." Dad said with a shrug, going back to his drink and waiting until I stood up to speak again. "You're choosing to not kill because of the baby."

I stopped in my tracks and turned around to face my father. "How did you know that?"

Dad smirked. "I have my sources. William, please show my daughter out."

The brown haired man walked up to me and took my arm, leading me away from the room and out the door into the grey day.

"Looks like rain." William said, "best to hail a cab instead of walk." he said and closed the door.


The moment I got back onto campus I was tackled to the ground in a hug by Kayden, Ryan and the football's co-captain Elias Baker following.

"Girl, where have you been?! I've been worried sick!" Kayden said in the high voice she always got when she was worried.

"She was probably at Leon's for another angry make out sesh and slept together again." Elias answered dully.

"Hey. Not cool, man." Ryan smacked his arm and looked at me. "That's not what happened.....right?"

I scoffed. "Ew, no. For your information, my dad wanted to talk with me."

"Your biological dad or the 'reformed serial killer' dad?" Kayden asked.

"Why would my biological dad want to talk with me? He and my mom were the ones who gave me up." I told her, crossing my arms.

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