Chapter three

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The next few weeks of my life were the absolute worst. The only joy that I got was whenever Ryan came over or when Kayden canceled her plans to stay with me when I wasn't feeling all that well.

My third month came around quicker than I would have preferred because now I had to go shopping for a whole new wardrobe with baggier shirts; to say this baby was ruining my social life was very true, but luckily I didn't have much of one to begin with.

"Room service." Ryan knocked on the dorm door and I opened the door to see him with a jar of pickles in his hand. "Hope you still have cravings for pickles." he said and walked through the door.

"Indeed I do. This seems the only thing the baby will allow me to eat." I said and sat at the counter as he opened the jar of pickles and set it between the two of us.

"Where's Kayden?" He asked as he bit into his pickle.

"Homework in her room. Thought it best not to disturb me while I puke my guts up for half an hour every morning." I answered as I took another pickle.

"Mh. You still feeling sick?" He asked and pressed the back of his hand against my forehead.

"No. Just tired. And I mean all the time. I barely completed my Quantum Physics homework yesterday because of it." I said with a huge yawn.

"Hey, um, did your dad call?" he asked out of the blue.

"No. Why? He's off leading his little business of psycho killers." I answered.

"It's a rainy day. Felt like he would call." he answered and looked at the already half-empty jar and laughed, putting the lid back on. "I think that's enough for now. You might want some for later."

"Good idea." I said, leaning my head against the palm of my hand. "Do you have any classes today?"

"No. Finished all my assignments early. Figured you'd want a chill day with your two best friends." he answered. "So. Have you come up with any baby names yet?"

A loud crash was heard and Kayden threw open her door seconds later. "Did you say baby names?! I have!"

I laughed and got off the stool, making my way over to the couch and sitting down. "I know you have. What you got?"

"Okay, so if it's a girl Nadia. And if it's a boy Killian." she said excitedly.

I looked at her. "Um......okay. Ryan? You got anything?"

He shrugged and walked over to me, taking a seat in the chair by the couch. "I was thinking Penelope or Dylan."

"Hm. Cool. I was thinking Veronica for a girl and Aaron for a boy." I said.

"Aww." Kayden smiled, "after your brother? That is so adorable."

"Speaking of, have you told him you're pregnant?" Ryan asked.

"No. And I'm not planning on telling him." I answered. "I don't think he'd like the fact that I got pregnant my freshman year of collage. He'd probably think I'm just another screw-up like the ones he locks away."

"But the difference between you and them is that they've killed people. You haven't." he answered.

"I thought of killing Leon a few times." I told him.

He laughed. "Who hasn't?"


I sat on the living room couch doing my Quantum Physics homework while eating chips and chocolate.

The door opened and Kayden stormed in with a frustrated face as she flopped back on the couch next to me.

"You okay?" I asked as I set my pencil down.

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