Chapter four

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I placed my hand over my growing stomach and closed my eyes, leaning my head back against the couch.

"Is everything okay?" Kyle asked as he took a seat next to me on the couch.

Kayden and her parents were out visiting her grandparents, and Kyle had volunteered to stay behind and watch after me in case if something went wrong.

"Yeah. I'm fine. The baby's just kicking. Still getting used to it, if I'm being honest." I answered.

"I bet." He said.

"Do you want to feel?" I asked, looking at the awkward face he made. "Kyle, I've been staying with you for two weeks. It's not weird."

He hesitantly set his hand over my growing belly and smiled as the baby kicked again. "Aw. He's strong."

"Yeah. That's the problem. He's using my belly at a jungle gym. Which it is not." I directed the last sentence towards my stomach and Kyle smiled.

"You're going to be a good mother." he said.

"Really? I doubt it."

"Don't doubt anything, Vanessa. Based on this alone, you're going to be great at taking care of this kid." he said, removing his hand from my stomach.

"Speaking of..."

"You're not getting an abortion, are you?" he asked.

"No. No, I'm keeping it. But, my baby will need a godfather." I said and smiled at him.

"Me?" he asked, shocked.

"Well, I was originally going to ask Ryan, but he and I aren't on the best of terms right now because of Kayden." I answered.

"Ah. I see," he nodded. "then in that case, I'd be honored to be this child's godfather."

"Hm. Also, I scheduled an ultrasound for next week. Are you coming?" I asked.

"Yeah. Yeah, I wouldn't miss it for the world." he answered.

I smiled and winced slightly. "Ow. You're back at it, I see. Just try not to hurt Mommy." I said and rubbed my stomach fondly.

Kyle smiled at me. "Yeah. You're going to be a great mother."


My phone rang loudly on my bedside table and I answered it, putting it up to my ear.

"Hello?" I asked as I munched on some chips.

"Vanessa. We need to talk." Dad said.

"No. I'm not joining your cult of killers. I'm pregnant and am about to have a baby." I said simply.

"Hm. But would you like to get revenge on the man that did this to you?" he asked.

"Leon? Definitely. But I'm not going to put my kid through that. As much as I hate Leon, I don't want my baby to grow up fatherless." I answered him and hung up the phone, tossing it down onto the bed.

A knock came on the door and Kyle opened it, his hand over his eyes as he was liked in blindly, an arm out so he didn't bump into anything.

I smiled and stood up, stopping him and taking his hand from his eyes. "What are you doing, Kyle?"

"I wanted to check on you, and I wanted to be polite." he answered.

"I'm okay. Do you know when Kayden and your parents will be back?" I asked.

"They just called and said they would be back tomorrow sometime. They got a flat and need to stop at a hotel for the night."

"There are worse people to be stuck with overnight." I said.

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