Part One: The Word

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Will's POV

I was sitting in my room at  my desk drawing a self portrait of  mom for Mother's Day that would be in just two days. Suddenly I heard my Walkie screech " Will this is Mike are you one your way? Over. " Oh shit " I thought i jumped out my desk and ran out the room. " Will where are you going to in such a rush ? " Hi mom sorry I'm late to meet mike and the rest of the guys at his house " I said as I was running out the door. " okay love you! " she yelled just before the door shut. I got on  my bike thinking about what mom had said. I didn't really know what love was but just knew I loved my mom Johnathan and my friends, maybe one particularly more than the others.

I got to mikes house quickly after all they didn't live far from me. He knocked on the door to be greeted by non other than his best friend, Michael Wheeler or mike as he liked  " Hey will! " He said letting Will in. Mike gave him a warm hug just before he got in. Will loved when mike did this and felt safe in his arms. Mike closed the door and I went to go greet the rest of the party.

I hugged Lucas and Dustin at the same time and to be honest they could be too much sometimes and a lot of times I did mind but not today, not today. Today was the day nothing mattered because I was going to tell my friends who I really was. I was going to tell them I like boys. I walked over to max, she was practically my best friend but different than me and mike. I talked to Max about everything. She was the first I told about my sexuality. I trusted her with my hole life. Not that I didn't trust mike the same way but I told her things that I felt I couldn't tell mike. I hugged El and went to sit down. Me and El weren't super close but sense hopper came back my mom and him were practically married. So me and El were basically siblings, I was glad because she was really sweet and treated me well so I always returned the favor. 

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