Part Two: the game

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Mikes POV

"I'm bored why do we always have to watch movies when you guys come over " I asked all we ever did was watch movies everyday. " Well Mike sense you seem to be so out of it mr. whining would you like to play truth or dare " Max said. I really didn't like her. She made my blood boil. I honestly don't know why she's part of this party probably because she's El's friend. El is my girlfriend I'm still not sure if I lover her platonically or romantically. " what's that? " Will asked. 

Will is my best friend I loved him so much platonically of course, he was so innocent and would never hurt anyone no matter what they did to him. I think what I like most about him is his laugh and his eyes, they were hazel and beautiful and I could stare at them forever along with his cherry smile. It always make me so happy. He was so strong. After everything that happened the past years he hadn't smiled very often or laughed. I missed his laugh. It was woke me up on the morning, now I just wake up hoping I can make him smile again, he fake smiled a lot, of course only I  could tell I had known him sense kindergarten I never forgot that day on the swings. I don't think anybody ever noticed the change in his smiles though.

Third Person POV

"Seriously you don't know what truth or dare is Will?" Max exclaimed " No? " Will said " Okay so it's this game that was invented 1712, yeah i know right, anyways one person asks truth or dare to another the one that is being asked picks between the two. The person then thinks of a dare or a truth for the other to answer but they HAVE to answer  truthfully If they picked truth " Max finished. " umm okay.. " Will said. They all sat around in a circle, Max, Lucas, Dustin, el, mike ,will and back to max. " Okay me first " Dustin said. " he looked around and looked at Max. " Max truth or dare " Dustin asked " dare " max replied " I dare you to kiss Lucas " Dustin yelled. Max sighed and frowned, El did as well. Max went to kiss Lucas but only on the cheek. el felt relieved.

" okay my turn " Max said " mike truth or dare "  " um truth " " okay, would you rather kiss Will or kiss Lucas  " Max asked. Mikes face turned red so did wills, mike felt butterflies in his stomach. He looked at El, she seemed fine with it so he went on to answer. " Will " mike said wills face turned red. He couldn't believe was mike had just said he knew it was just nothing and he didn't really want  to kiss will. Did he?

Mikes POV

I was so embarrassed. I looked at Will and saw he was all red, I was too. But I didn't know why. I was dating El and I was happy, weren't I? Will got up and ran to the bathroom. I was so sorry for him for some reason i didn't know what came over me. I wish I just quit the game and left. I went to go check on Will. 

Will's POV

He didn't mean that. He would never kiss me, William Byers, his best friend. We were 15 and 14 living Hawkins no way mike wanted to kiss me. But that didn't mean I didn't want to kiss him. There was no way I  was gonna tell my friends I'm  gay after that.

I heard knocking and opened the door thinkIng it was max, maybe el. It was mike. " I'm sorry will I should've never answered. It was wrong please forgive me a Will. " 

" mike calm down, I'm fine I just feel bad for El " I lied. " yeah me too it was a shitty thing of max to ask that." 

" yeah " i said almost smiling. But this one wasn't fake. I'm not sure why I smiled. I was definitely not happy.

Mikes POV ( sorry for the POV switches 

He smiled. I just made my Will Byers smile. 

I had finally done it. I was so happy my heart was pounding, it wasn't a full smile but he almost smiled. And I was the reason. I ran to hug him. I felt warm in his hands he returned the favor and hugged back. We went back and after that nobody made " WERID "  questions, it was pretty boring until it was Max's turn again. " mike truth or dare " she questioned " um dare " nobody really had made 'bad ' dares yet. " I dare you to kiss the person you like most other than El. 

My stomach was in a knot. I looked at Will because I knew it was him but I looked away and came to my senses " no, I'm out I'm not stealing his first kiss?! Why would I do that " I angrily answered. " So it's Will? " she added "  I never said that " Annoyed. " well his the only one that haven't had his first kiss yet so yeah you did " she said giggling. " what the hell max " will out bursted. Everyone looked at him. He covered his mouth. " I'm sorry I didn't mean it " he said on the verge of tears. He had never said something so rude to anybody before, much less his 2nd best friend. I grabbed his arm and ran upstairs. I cupped his face with tears in my eyes. " it's okay will. We all know you didn't mean it, it just slipped out " I said trying to comfort him. He hugged me tight. I grabbed his arm and went down stairs. 

" Max can I talk to you alone please " I said giving her a stare. She followed me to the kitchen " if you ever make one of the questions again I swear I will hurt you. Do you understand how uncomfortable you make me and will feel. I thought we were your friends." I blurted out. " geez okay sorry mr. protective boyfriend. " I slapped her. I jumped back and realized what I just did " I'm so sorry- " I was cut off when she said " I deserved it I'm sorry " we hugged and went down stairs.  " I have to go home my mom and dad want me home before 10." Lucas said. " his my ride and Max's so bye guys. " Dustin said 

Everyone said bye and they left. It was just me and will.

And el.

I kind of wished she wasn't there. 

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