Part Five : Another game.

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Guys don't read this yet I'm no where near done and don't read the other last chapters yet I'm still changing the story. A lot 

Will's POV 

I really didn't want to go to another meet up with the party considering it's what got me here in the first place and there's was no way I wanted to play that game again. Despite thinking all this I said yes. I guess I just wanted to spend time with mike. I mean after all him and El broke up.

Mike's POV

I got up out of bed and grabbed my Walkie. I asked the party and max, to come over today. " Hey guys do you wanna come over today again everyone can sleepover with the usual sleepover plan " " also max can come to but no more "games " over " 

" I'm gonna go get changed " I nodded " can I have some pants " he asked lightly " sure " I said giving him a smile and sweat pants. I knew this one was significantly bug on him that's why I liked it on him. I guess he did know he had my sweater on because he didn't ask for one. When he went to go change I took the opportunity and did too. We had both finished and we went down to the basement to wait for everyone. I didn't want to keep getting up for knocking so I just unlocked the door. We sat down in the couch and put on Star Wars: a new hope. This was me and will's favorite it's the fourth Star Wars movie in its order. No counting rouge one and solo. He sat down next to me. He laid his head on my shoulder. He does this a lot and I always got butterflies. I had one hand on his right hip and on in his hair. I loved this boy so much.

Third person POV

Dustin and Lucas got there first on lucas's bike. Those two were inseparable. They found the door unlocked and went in to see mike and Will cuddling. Dustin had to make an outburst of course.

" AWHHHHH " he yelled from across the room. Mike and will both jumped. They looked at Dustin and so did Lucas. " Your so stupid Dustin we could've taken a picture! " Lucas started " it's not my fault their so gay! " they started fighting. 

Once everyone arrived max made another game suggestion. " we should play spin the bottle and the last person out gets to pick what games we play for a week " 

Will's POV 

I honestly was gonna agree because then we wouldn't have to play truth or dare for another while. But I realized I might have to kiss mike. I got butterflies. I mean what were the chances. Mike looked at me and asked how I felt about it I told him I was okay with and we all agreed. We sat in a circle max Lucas Dustin me mike el and back to max. " I'll go first " max said. It landed on Lucas and she gave him a quick peck. " okay now Lucas " he spun the bottle and got Dustin. " ew no way I'm out " he said as he got out of the circle. " okay now me" Dustin said and spun the bottle. It landed on el and he gave a quick peck. It was now my turn I was so scared. I hesitated but spun the bottle anyway. It stopped and so did my heart. It landed on mike. I looked at him and he looked back I was a tomato and so was he. Sure I wanted to kiss mike but not like this. We both leaned forward until our lips touched. He grabbed my neck and I cupped his cheek. I was making out with mike wheeler. He pulled away and I did too. The kiss lasted at least 40 seconds.

Mike's POV

holy shit. I just made out with my best friend. I never wanted it to end. I turned to see everyone staring with wide eyes. " what? We just did what you guys did? " max dropped her jaw. " no I'm pretty sure that more than just a peck mike. I think will won.. " Max and el looked at each other and laughed same with Dustin and Lucas. " okay whatever let's just watch a movie. " I could feel will staring into my eyes but I didn't want to turn to look at him. I was embarrassed. I put on the next Star Wars movie in line and sat on the couch. 

We all sat on the couches me on the edge of the middle couch with Will, max and el on the right couch and Dustin and Lucas on the left couch. I love Star Wars but I couldn't stop thinking about Will. The movie ended but I never really payed attention and me and will kept sharing glares at each other when the other wasn't looking. He fell asleep on my shoulder. " hey guys I think we should go to bed, does everyone remember the sleepover plan? " everyone nodded but max " what's that? " I forgot she had never slept over so we had to change the plan. " okay Lucas and me on the couches, el and max in the guest room and that leaves will with mike " Dustin said. We all agreed and I carried Will once again to my bed. He asked me to go up there again. We ended up in the same position as the night before just further away from each other. But this time I wasn't gonna be stupid.

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