Part Seven: moving

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Third person POV

Mike and will woke up to Mike's alarm clock set at 8:30. " mike... turn it off " will groaned. " I'm trying " mike said muttering he turned off the alarm and faced Will. He softly place a kiss on his lips and got up before getting pulled by the wait from Will. " mike please just 10 more minutes " Will said groaning again. " we have to get up will " he said giggling. He let go of mike and got up rubbing his eyes. Mike was picking his cloths for the day when Will hugged him from behind and put his chin on mike's shoulder. He picked will's cloths first and gave it to him, a oversized sweater and and some shorts. He then grabbed jeans and a plaid shirt for himself.

" I'll go change in the bathroom " Will said walking away towards the bathroom. Mike got changed in his room and was met by will's eyes when he got out and vise versa they shared a quick kiss before going into the kitchen to be greeted by Nancy and Johnathan.

" morning kiddos nanny and me made pancakes " Jonathan said smiling at them. " I'll go wake up max and el " Will said " I'll wake Lucas and Dustin " mike said smiling. Will went to the guest room to be greeted by max and el already up, kissing? They both pulled away. " it's okay I won't tell " he smiled. The girls smiled back. " it's time for breakfast " they followed him to the dining room. Mike went down to the basement to see non- other than Lucas and Dustin snoring vigorously. It was disgusting Dustin was drooling. " hey shitheads wake up wake up time "he semi- yelled " They got up annoyed " morning to you too mike " Lucas said walking to the dining room. 

Mike looked at Will. Mike nodded signaling to el. Will looked at el. " el can I talk to you " he asked politely getting up from the table. " yeah sure " she said sweetly. " I think we should tell them we're moving. " he stated " okay also I already told max " he said " that's okay! He smiled. They went back to the table. " Me and el have something to you, Lucas, Dustin Max and mike already know." He said. " why do they know something we don't max isn't even in the og party " Dustin said annoyed. " Me and El are moving to California next week. " he said looking down. Mike got up and hugged Will from behind placing his head on will's shoulder. Will looked at mike and smiled. Lucas and Dustin sat there in shock. They began to tear up. Max and el went to hug will. Lucas and Dustin did aswell. Nobody said a word. All that was heard was sobbing. 

" Lets just make the best of it " Lucas said fake smiling. Everyone pulled away from the hug and sat down. " Will can I talk to you upstairs? " mike looked at Will. " yeah sure " will said sweetly. Mike grabbed his arm and pulled him upstairs. He cupped will's face and looked at him. " it's gonna be okay will " he said pulling Will in for a hug. Will hugged back. None of them let go. The four still at the table got up to look at mike and will. Max was laughing, she was the only one who knew. Mike looked down to see the four. He pulled away and gave all of them the look of " really "  they all ran to sit back down. Will giggled. Mike did too.  Will looked at mike before grabbing mike's neck and kissing his soft lips. Will loved this feeling. Mike did too. They pulled away and went down stairs holding hands. The four looked at the two giving the awhhh face. Both quickly let go and laughed to themselves. Everyone had finished eating and went downstairs to the basement. " will pick a game to play sense you won spin the bottle " max said laughing. Will and mike turned red. " uhm two truths and a lie? " he said asking " alright! " max smiled. " I'll go first " el said. " okay 1. I like egos 2. I don't like egos 3. I like to sleep " she said thinking it was a difficult question. " okay well the lie is you don't like eggos." max said laughing " we all knew that one el " Dustin said chuckling " okay fine mike's turn " 

" what why me?! " mike said angrily " mike calm down " Will said giggling " you so cute " Will whispered to mike, mike laughed. " is there anything you'd like to share with the class will " Lucas said glaring. " I don't want to play this " Dustin groaned " max can pick " Will said " let's just play truth or dare " max said ,and everyone agreed. " mike truth or dare " el looked at mike. " truth " he said nervously. " okay what is something you find attractive in your crush " she giggled. " uhm " mike started, turning red. " probably their eyes " he said turning to Will and staring into his eyes . " yeah definitely " he smiled. Will smiled back. Everyone was staring. Mike had basically just told them he had a crush on Will. 

" uhm mike can you and will come over here " max said kind of laughing. They looked at each other and walked to her. " what's up " mike asked " what's up? What's up is you basically just told everyone you " like " Will!" She whispered in an angry tone. " oh shit " mike said. " let's just tell them mike " will smiled at him. " are you sure you're ready will? " he asked concerned " yeah I'm sure " he gave mike a peck on the lips. They smiled. Lucas, Dustin, and el were staring confused on what just happened. " Byers you hold a lot of secrets you know that " Lucas said sarcastically. " uh me and mike are dating.. " Will said nervously and stuttering. Mike put his arm around Will for reassurance. Lucas Dustin and el looked at each other. " how long? " "did max know " " yeah why is she not confused " " how'd you guys confess " " did you guys make out yet " a bunch of questions were upon the 2. " okay first of all it was last night, second max walked in on us making out and third we were talking and I just kissed him. " mike uttered. Will kissed mike on the cheek. Mike smiled and both turned red after rethinking what mike just said. The three kids gasped and Dustin squealed with el. " YAY  " El yelled. " can you guys make out plsss it'd be so cute " Dustin asked pleading. " uh no, we make out when we make out Dustin. " Will said laughing at him. 

Mike looked at Will's eyes. " yeah it's definitely the eyes " he smiled. He closed the space between him and will's lips. and before they knew it they were making out, again. Will pulled away. " hey we weren't supposed to make out when he asked us too! " he said jokingly. Dustin and el squealed. Lucas smiled. Max did aswell. A few hours had passed and will looked at his watch. It also had the date. " oh shit shit shit " he said getting up from mike's lap. " what's wrong will what happened " mike was nervous. " it's Mother's Day I forgot me and El have to go like now! " he grabbed el and ran up the stairs from the basement mike followed. Will almost ran out the door Before mike grabbed his arm causing Will to turn. Mike kissed him and smiled. Will smiled back and left. 

Editor's note

How would you guys feel if I made a book of one shots I think I might soon.

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 13, 2022 ⏰

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