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The woman awoke with an arrow in her heart and worms in her hair.

Death. She thought. I must be dead. But the thought vanquished as a gloved hand from the darkness clasped the feathery end and wrenched it free. A loud squelch sounded as it left her chest and, much like her brain, began to slowly knit everything together.
She had been dead. The realization hit her as the gloved hand came again, this time gripping her arm. The warmth from the leather felt hot on her skin but the heat didn't stop. It emanated from the darkness before her. She knew what was coming. It raised her and pulled her through.

Darkness turned to light. Before her eyes laid millions of tall engraved bricks, holding a bright blue sky. Birds soared over her sweaty hair, wind flowed through her dark curled strands, the glorious sun beating hot on her body like it wanted to cook her. Her brain became more fervent against her temples, beginning to grow heavy with thoughts...memories. Her heart that was long dead, came alive. An inhale began while another hitched. Over and over again, her heart was pounding, one beat overlapping the other.
"She's having a panic attack." A voice said and the gloved hands were there again, settling on both sides of her bony shoulders. Then she looked up. A face of angels.
"I need you to breathe," the angelic face said, deep and soft. "Open your mouth. Use your nose." She clasped her throat. She could not breathe. Dark spots began to cloud her vision.
"Hurry, Rew."Another voice hissed. The angelic face twisted abruptly then disappeared.
"I'm sorry."
One moment, she was facing the figure and then she was facing the blue sky. Her brain felt the impact before her heart did, heat dancing on her back. She exhaled, feeling her lungs starting up like the nonchalant drags of a dying beast. Not dead. Not dead, as she stared into the sun. Alive she thought.
"Alive." She croaked.
"Yes, yes, yes," A different figure stepped into the sun. This face was much less angelic. "You're alive."
And yanked her up like she was nothing.
Darkness followed.

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