Chapter 4

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Chapter 4

The ball was a series of colorful gowns, suits, armor and an array of different curling patterns all waving delicately in the air. The silver chandeliers dotted the castle's grand designed ceilings and didn't take away from the pastel rose gold hue of the walls. Erya had just came in with a crowd of people, a few passerby eyeing her clothes. She was donned in a blue silver cloak but it could not hide the sheer beauty of her dress. Amongst the many that donned her closet (specially picked by her Reviver), this one was dark green with overlays of silver. A vine of it dotted with gems came down the length of her bodice, curling out into a burst of twirls and swirls. A pair of heels glittered on her feet, matching the pair of star shaped earrings dangling from her ears.

After bathing and scrubbing her until her brown skin was red, the servants had made quick work of her makeup. They had saved her hair for last, rubbing out the last dregs of dirt and bugs that had trapped themselves in her hair and replacing them with a strange netting that made her face itch. It was a miracle she came without ripping it off. More people began to stare and a familiar annoyance rose in her. She didn't care for attention. All she could see was Rew.

She stood regal amongst the crowd of people, donning the same cloak as her own. The blue of her dress matched the gems and eye shadow on her face. She seemed to be sparkling and not because of the glass that she held in her manicured hand. Maybe it was the hair, braided to cover her exposed back. She was laughing at something a fellow gentleman in a fancy jacket had said and it set Erya's heart ablaze. It was not a feeling Erya was used to feeling. She'd thought only for a second to leave.

And then Rew caught her gaze as if she had read her mind. She easily moved through the crowd that became bigger with each step she took to her. When she did, something crossed her eyes and then that winning smile.

"You look amazing." She said.

"Not without your help Your Highness."

"Come, you have to meet the others."

And they were off. There was a series of people that Erya had met. It was really a huge cluster of rank and class. It seemed that when it came to balls, everyone was invited, free of class and wealth. She met Geedan the cook and Eldis the old maiden. There was Dalis the charming Prince of the North, Prince Jorin of the South and Princess Bina of the East. She had meant to grab at a tray of cube cheese but was greeted by Harold the Merchant and Galene the farmer. She did her best to thank compliments and smile much like her princess did and spoke only when spoken to. At some point she found a glass in her hand, the golden liquid in it sizzling on her tongue as she sipped. Delightful. It was gone within a few sips. She set it down on a table nearby.

"Would you care to dance?"

She turned, assuming it was another prince she'd have to happily greet. She'd only been half right as she looked up. It was Prince Eric and she didn't want to greet him at all.

"No thank you, your highness-"

But she was already swept into the motion of movement, flying into the blare of flutes and the pounding of the drums. He had grabbed tight to her waist, holding even tighter when she had tried to pull away.

"Must you be so vile?" She hissed under her breath.

"Must you be so rude?" He said. "You can never reject a prince, especially me."

"And why is that?"

"Because I am never rejected."

The music began to speed up again and Erya did her best to keep up with this savage prince. He was firm on his grip and when the music began to rise so did her body as he rose her up, her dress a flag in the wind as he swirled her around again and again. A series of gasps and applause was audible but she looked down at him, hiding the nausea behind her stern look. A few seconds went by before he set her down and they were dancing once more.

"You okay, deadling? You look sick."

"Was all that necessary?" She swallowed, stiffening slightly as he twirled her around to face the crowd-

They were all around her now, an even wider crowd than earlier, all looking at the prince looking at...her. It set something like fire off in her.

"What is this?"

"It's conviction," he spun. "devotion," he twirled. "and love." He furled her out with his arm and she let him, matching his ferocity as she came back in.

"You do not love me, prince." she said. He caught her just in time, clutching hard at her waist. Their breaths mingled against their fiery expressions. 

"But they think I do," He grinned. "And that's all that matters."

As the music descended into a close, he took her arm and spun her around to face the King, donned in silver and armor, sitting ceremoniously perched on the throne. He watched with an unreadable expression under his thick brown beard and deep brown eyes.

"Make him believe that we are madly in love for each other," He whispered into her ear. "And you shall live again." She turned.

"What does that mean? I'm already alive." 

"Not yet." He bowed before kissing her hand, letting go and walking away.

An applause came and so did an array of faces as they came in close to her. She did not have time to process the questions nor the squeals from other girls.

"I can't believe he has a love."

"How could Prince Eric be in love?"

"Can I get a good look at your face? I can't see passed the veil."

"Where did you learn to dance like that?"

"I've never seen anyone keep up with the prince before. How charming."

She could not listen any longer. Her feet moved faster than her brain, pushing out of the crowd. She had lost her veil along the way, pushing through huge stone doors. A balcony came to greet her, along with the rush of cold night air and wind. It felt delicious on her skin, dancing along her pores like some late night magic come to ignite her again. She let her hands rest on the firm stone, leaning on the edge. The moon was full tonight, clinging to the darkness and the stars showing through. She felt light and heavy at the same time. She felt like she could fall out. The doors behind her opened and closed. Somehow she knew who it was before she said anything.

"You danced beautifully, Erya."

"Explain this to me." Erya turned and touched her chest. "It is pounding." 

Rew came up beside her, the cloak she had donned gone. When she stepped under the night, the moon melted into her hair as if it was happy to see her. She saw the slight dip where the cloak would usually conceal and spotted the slightly exposure of dark brown skin, glistening with sweat and glitter. She averted her eyes quickly.

"It is excitement. You're excited. Dancing is quite an activity."

"I have recalled that. It is...easier than I remember."

"You remember?"

"Only bits and pieces." She played with the loose stem on her bodice. "The prince says I am not alive. What does he mean?"

Rew paused for a moment, watching the moon innocently before sighing.

"It's time I told you why I brought you back."

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