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An 18-year-old Glynda stood in her teacher's classroom when she felt the urge to go skinny dipping in a hot tub. Turning to other things, she tried to ignore the urge. However, her mind finally allowed her to experience the stress that came with being a student.

"I'm using that damn hot tub."

Later that evening, Glynda decided to take some me time to herself. After undressing, she entered Ozpin's hot tub. Upon sitting down, she let out a moan, the warm water sending her muscles into a relaxed state of bliss. As the water found its way upwards, it acted as a pleasure catalyst.

However, little did Glynda know that the hot tub was an object of powerful magic.

The pool searched her soul for her deepest darkest desire to find that she wanted to bear children of her own, but no one would date her because of her...personality.

The pool lulled Glynda to sleep and gave her what she wanted. All 18 of them. She would not carry them all in one pregnancy, but rather, one by one or in multiples. Her youngest would be a very kind boy by the name of Y/n. His hair would interestingly be a metallic gold. It appeared to reflect literal sunlight depending on his mood and could light a room in the dark.

You could say he's a Human torch, but it would really be glowstick.

However, at the moment, as Glynda's womb was filled with souls, she was having the time of her life.

Later that night, Ozpin found her slipping down and rushed to grab her. Upon doing so, he lifted her up and breathed a sigh of relief. Believing her stress to be the factor of her unconsciousness, he took her to the medical wing where they took her into their care.

Breathing a sigh of relief, Ozpin did not know that a small amount of his essence had been absorbed by the fetuses. The consequences would be unfathomable, though not catastrophic.

A few weeks would pass when Glynda would notice her bloating and increased appetite.

Standing in the bathroom, Glynda gazed at herself in the mirror to help adjust her glasses. However, out of the corner of her eye, she saw a bit of fat on her stomach. Not a lot, but it was noticeable. At least to her.

"Have I been laxing on my training and physical fitness regimen?" She asked herself.

Glynda would put a few unnoticeable pounds over the course of the next couple weeks. She had also begun to vomit every now and then. Though, she begun harsher exercises and had been going on various trips.

"Maybe I'm suffering from phobia induced vomiting."

Looking in the bathroom mirror once more, Glynda found herself with a bit more chu than she'd like. Trying to make sure she wasn't crazy, she went to her friend Ozpin.

"What's the question again?"

"Have I gain a few pounds?" Glynda asked calmly, desperate to get an honest answer.

Ozpin sighed and looked to his teammates who shook their heads in fearful desperation.

Turning to Glynda, Ozpin did in fact notice a bit of chub on her waist. "Hmm. Promise not to get mad?"

Glynda's expression did not change as she screamed on the inside.

"Yes. There is a bit on your waist. Though, I don't know what it's from."

Their teammates facepalmed.

"Thank you, Oz. At least I know I'm not crazy."

Turning to their friend, their teammates expressed visible awe.

The vomiting grew more common over the next few weeks, concerning her teammates.

One day, Ozpin approached Glynda with a concerned expression.

"Hey, Glyn, you okay?"

"To be honest, I'm really scared. I share the symptoms of a life ruining gift."

"And that is?" Ozpin asked with a raised eyebrow.

Glynda raised a small pregnancy test with two red lines on it. "I'm pregnant."

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