Halloween Special

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Glynda was looking through a book before she realized something very important: y/n's birthday was in a few days and she had to get him a gift. She called Ozpin on her scroll.

Ozpin: what is it... oh it's you Glynda. What did you need?

Glynda: I just realized that y/n's birthday is coming up and none of us have a gift prepared.

Ozpin: I actually have a gift for him.

Glynda: oh... what is it?

Ozpin: it's a surprise *drinks his coffee* anyway ciao! *hangs up*

Glynda became very suspicious and wondered what he got for y/n. She then called Theresa and asked her about Arya's birthday.

Theresa: yeah Arya was born on (your birthday)!

Glynda: well that is coincidentally my son's birthday.

Theresa: you're kidding! you're not kidding. Well I guess we can celebrate them at the same time. (Can you guess the reference?)

Glynda: that's a good idea.

Theresa: I'll have the entire party planned so you can relax.

Glynda: thanks Theresa, have a good day *hangs up* now I've got to find a gift for y/n.

Glynda found Team Ruby at the same library she was at. She looked over at y/n and saw him reading a book. Glynda walks up to Ruby.

Glynda: excuse me Mrs. Rose, would you be so kind as to watch y/n for the day?

Ruby: of course, where is he?

Glynda: over by the children's section.

Ruby: ok, I'll watch him while you do what you gotta do.

Glynda: thank you miss Rose.

Glynda leaves the library while Ruby finds y/n in the children's section. Ruby sits down next to y/n who looks up to her and smiles. Once Y/n finishes reading the book, Ruby decides to take him to get something to eat.

Ruby: let's go get something to eat *thinking to herself* now where should we eat?

Ruby decides to take y/n to Yara's Diner. Velvet comes along with Ruby to babysit y/n.

The trio sit down and wait for the waitress, and they both realized what day it was, Halloween. They called Mrs. Goodwitch, and asked her if they could dress y/n up for Halloween. She said yes, and the waitress just arrived at their table.

Waitress: welcome to Yara's Diner, can I get your drinks?

Ruby: I would like a strawberry shake.

Velvet: I would like some tea.

Y/n just looks at them weirdly before the waitress looks at him.

Waitress: and what would you like little buddy?

Y/n: F/S (favorite shake)

Waitress: ok, I'll be right back.

After a few minutes

The waitress comes back with their shakes and sets them on the table.

Y/n: tank you!

Velvet: *thinking* that's so adorable!

Ruby: *thinking* that's so cute!

Y/n then moves into Ruby's lap.

Waitress: what would you like to eat today?

Ruby: do you have ramen?

Waitress: yes *write down Ramen on her piece of paper*

Velvet: I'll take the carrot soup. *looks at y/n* what would you like y/n?

Waitress: *writes down carrot soup*

Y/n: can I have the mashed potatoes?

Waitress: ok *writes mashed potatoes on the paper as well*

The waitress leaves and gives the orders to the chef. They began cooking their meals. Once they were done, they came out with their food on a tray. They set the food onto the table. Y/n was slowly slurping his shake until he gets a brainfreeze.

Y/n: ahhh! Bwain Fweeze!

Velvet: drink it slowly *chuckles*

The waitress puts the food on the table. She then walks away with the tray and back into the kitchen. They each each their food at a moderate pace. Once they finish, Velvet plays the bill and they head to a Costume store.

Ruby: what do you want to be for Halloween y/n?

Y/n: a tiger! Roar!

Ruby: *giggling* ok.

They find the perfect outfit for y/n, a tiger onesie. It makes y/n extremely happy that he's going to get a ton of candy. They take him home and see his mother chuckling.

Glynda: my little tiger is a dressed as a tiger as well?

Y/n: uh huh!

Glynda: Mrs. Rose, Velvet would you like to go trick or treating with us?

Ruby and Velvet look at one another and nod before they rush to a store to find a costume. The duo come back just in time to put their costumes on. Ruby comes out as a crimson princess and Velvet comes out as a police Officer. Their costume aren't like that of other teenagers their age, you might even say classy.

They went to a beautiful neighborhood and find it really busy with other people in costumes. Coco walks up to the group.

Coco: he looks so adorable Mrs. Goodwitch!

Glynda: I know.

They stay up for hours collecting candy. Eventually they head home after they get enough candy. Ruby and Velvet head back to Beacon, to their dorm rooms. Glynda tucks her son in and gives him a tiger plushie which he instinctively pulls close to himself. Glynda smiles at his little moment and goes back upstairs and lays down to sleep as well.

Glynda quickly succumbs to sleep after an exhausting day with her son.

Goodwitch's Little Kittenजहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें