Chapter 7: Evening

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By the time the pair reached Rivendell, the evening meal had started. Glorfindel, Imelda and Erestor were already there. Imelda was straight by Celebrían's side.

"So how was your date?" Imelda says
"It was amazing. Picnic under a willow tree, we kissed and then came back.
"Hold on. We seem to have walked over the interesting part of the conversation" Imelda says
"What are you two talking about?" Thalia asks as she arrives
"Celebrían was about to tell me about her date with Elrond but she seemed to walk over that they kissed"
"Details now" Thalia says though her tone wasn't unkind
"I don't know what the big deal is. We kissed" Celebrían says

Both Thalia and Imelda shot Celebrían a look that she could read in seconds.

"Fine. I was getting ready to leave back here when Nimroch nudged me into him and we kissed. It was nervous but passionate. There happy?" Celebrían says
"It'll do for now" Thalia says
"We're all with someone now" Celebrían smiles "Though Imelda has not said anything about Glorfindel"
"Because there isn't much to say" Imelda says "We were apart from each other for a long time. We are married but it's not easy trying to work our relationship out again"
"I'm sorry. I didn't realise" Celebrían says
"It's okay" Imelda responds

Celebrían smiles glad to have some good friends especially given that the pair were actually interested in her.

"Excuse me" A quiet voice came from beside her

Celebrían moves out of the way, recognising her as the young travelling girl that she'd found in the gardens upset. She wondered why she was there.

"That's Elisya" Thalia says "She's dating Lindir"
"Lindir?" Celebrían asks
"Elrond's right hand. There was an incident this morning. Her mother doesn't treat her well"
"I found her in the gardens upset before Elrond asked me on the date" Celebrían says unaware of what had happened "She was scared of me"
"She's very shy. We have been meeting her in small numbers" Thalia admits "Good morning Lindir"
"Good morning Thalia" Lindir says
"This is Celebrían" Thalia introduces
"It's good to meet you Celebrían" Lindir says softly "Elrond has spoken about you"
"It is good to meet you Lindir" Celebrían nods

Celebrían lets Lindir past her as he wished to be with Elisya, who relaxed as soon as he got to her side.

"It's amazing isn't it? How much Lindir calms her" Thalia says
"It is. Do you know where my parents are?" Celebrían asks
"They left this morning after breakfast. I thought you knew" Thalia says
"No. They didn't say anything" Celebrían says "Did you speak to them?"
"No. Why? Is everything alright?" Thalia asks
"Yes. It's just odd for them to just go without telling me" Celebrían admits
"Maybe they knew you love Elrond" Thalia suggests
"Mum did. I'm not sure if my father will go for it" Celebrían sighs softly

Thalia opens her mouth to say something but couldn't bring herself to. Thalia had been Celeborn and Galadriel's ward since her parents died so knew how protective Celeborn was over Celebrían.

"Well you do get to stay now so that's good" Thalia says
"Yeah. It really is. I can't imagine a life without him" Celebrían admits glancing at Elrond who smiled at her

Celebrían could melt into Elrond's eyes. He made her feel safe, as much or even more than her parents did. Thalia could see it too, given how much Celebrían liked Elrond's company. Elrond eventually wanders over to Celebrían.

"Are your friends asking you about our date too?" Celebrían asks
"No not really. Erestor asked how it went, Glorfindel didn't ask and Lindir is more focused on Elisya" Elrond says honestly "I'm guessing your friends asked for details?"
"Yes. They wanted to know the details of everything. I didn't say much and it seems to have gone over well" Celebrían sighs
"What's wrong?" Elrond asks softly
"I'm fine really" Celebrían says "My parents just didn't tell me that they were leaving"
"Your mother wanted us to have some time together" Elrond says
"You knew?" Celebrían asks
"She told me last night. Your father didn't look too impressed though" Elrond says

Celebrían sighs softly expecting more resistance from her father. She didn't want to tell Elrond the reason why her father was so unimpressed. It would hurt him.

"He's just protective. He'll come around" Celebrían says apologetically

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