Chapter 10: Silent

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Celebrían sighs as she rides into the city alone. Once inside she walks up to the throne room.

"Celebrían..." Galadriel says softly going to hug her but Celebrían steps back
"I can't stay here" Celebrían says "I'm sorry but Rivendell is my home now"

Galadriel and Celebrían look at Celeborn as he hadn't said a word.

"I should go" Celebrían says, backing off
"Celebrían stay" Galadriel says softly

Celebrían stays put because of her mother.

"Celeborn?" Galadriel asks
"He's not what I want for you" Celeborn states
Galadriel sighs softly "He's what her heart chooses. We can't make that decision for her"

Celebrían whimpers softly and runs off to one of her hideaways, letting herself cry. Celebrían didn't know how long she stayed there but her eyes hurt after.

"Celebrían?" A familiar voice questions
"Imelda?" Celebrían asks weakly evidently upset

Imelda hugs her upon hearing how upset she sounded.

"Hey, what's wrong?" Imelda asks
"My father. He disapproves" Celebrían murmurs
"Oh. He just needs some time" Imelda reassures
"No. There's no point in staying. He's never going to get me wanting to be with Elrond" Celebrían states
"If you want to come back with us that's fine" Imelda says
"I really need to go" Celebrían says with a nod
"Okay. We're going in about 10 minutes so you get ready. Glorfindel should be in the stables anyway"

Celebrían only nods, slowly getting up and going to the stables. As she enters Glorfindel's voice came from the other side of the stables. He was evidently talking to Asfaloth, his horse. Celebrían watches him for a while intrigued.

"Celebrían?" Glorfindel says after a moment
"Sorry. I didn't mean to eavesdrop" Celebrían says
"It's alright" Glorfindel says
"Do you always talk to Asfaloth?" Celebrían asks
"Most of the time yes. Are you riding back with us?" Glorfindel says
"Yes. I just thought I'd like the company" Celebrían says

Glorfindel looks at her gently.

"I'm guessing you're business here didn't go well" Glorfindel says
"I don't know what you mean" Celebrían says
"There's dried tears on your face" Glorfindel says
"Oh um I suspect Imelda may tell you so I guess I can explain" Celebrían says

Celebrían went on, even including details she hadn't told Imelda. Glorfindel says nothing, letting her explain everything before hugging her gently.

"I just want to get out of here" Celebrían murmurs into his chest
"And you will" Imelda says "We're going as soon as you are ready"

Celebrían nods and gets Nimroch ready to go. The mare keeps making little noises as she often did. Imelda laughs softly watching the pair interact. Eventually Celebrían mounted and rode home with Imelda and Glorfindel.

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