A Couple of Memories

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"Wait! You can't tell them; it'll ruin everything!" Carissa screamed. Cyborg looked back at her. "If they know, the events may never be fulfilled, and my siblings and I...wait, where are my siblings?!" Carissa asked frantically. Cyborg looked confused. "You have siblings?" He asked. "NOOO, I'M JUST FREAKING OUT FOR FUN! WELL NO FRICKIN DER I HAVE SIBLINGS! AND THEY'RE TEN AND ALONE IN A HUGE CITY!" Carissa screamed. Cyborg held his hands up. "Sorry. We'll find them. What do they look like?" Cyborg asked. "My brother can be a flaming fox. My sister can be any animal. WE CAN ALL FRICKIN SHAPE SHIFT HOW THE HECK ARE WE GOING TO FIND THEM?!" Carissa screamed. Then she burst into tears. "This is all my fault." She sobbed. "My siblings could be hurt or even dead, all because of this stupid fanfic!" She said through her tears. "Wait...this stupid fanfic is our ticket out of here!" Carissa shouted excitedly. "Huh?" Cyborg asked. "I'm going to need you to listen to my instructions while I search for my siblings." Carissa said. She then began to whisper in Cyborg's ear. "Now, we sit back and cross our fingers." Carissa said worriedly.
"Hellllllooooo everybody!" Cyborg yelled. "Why do you have the voice that sounds similar to that of a game show host?" Starfire asked, her head on Speedy's shoulder. "Because I've always wanted to be a game show host! I could never think of a game, but now I have! I just need all y'all's help." He stated. "A game show? Sweet! I'm in!" Terra exclaimed. "What about you, BB?" Cyborg asked. "Duh! I love games! And shows!" Beastboy exclaimed. "As long as it is unlike the Quiz Monkey, I am the in as well." Starfire said. "If she's in, I'm in." Speedy said. "What about you Rave?" Cyborg asked. "It's Raven! But I guess I'll play your game." She said. "Robin...you're the only one not playing." Cyborg said. "Play it! Play it!" Cyborg began chanting. Suddenly the whole room was chanting with him. "Okay, I'll play." Robin said. "Great! It's called, 'A Couple of Memories'!" Cyborg exclaimed. Everyone stared blankly. "It's where couples compete to remember their first milestones better than other couples." He said. "Ohhh." The whole room said in unison. All the couples tried to pair up, but Cyborg stopped them. "Whoa there! Y'all got together too recently! It'll be too easy!" He said. "Everyone, get with the person you used to date." Cyborg said. Everyone looked at him, dumbfounded. The same people that broke their hearts they'd have to work together with. "BB and Rave...n. Speedy and Terra. Star and Robin. Now let's get started!" He said, handing them a pencil and paper. "You'll write your answer down, and then after 30 seconds, reveal them. Got it?" He asked. All of them sat down, glaring at Cyborg. "Alright! First question goes to BB and Rave. When was y'all's first kiss?" He asked. They both wrote something down. "Times up! Answers?" Cyborg asked. "When she almost jumped off the roof." Beastboy said. "Wasn't it when Melvin, Teether, and Timmy came over?" Raven asked. "That wasn't a real kiss though." Beastboy said teasingly. "Neither is this." Raven stated, pecking him on the lips. He looked stunned, as did Robin. "Alrighty then, Rob and Star, where was yours?" He asked. They both wrote something down. "Times up. Answers?" Cyborg asked. "In Japan." They said in unison. They both looked at each other. Cyborg was ecstatic. It's working! He thought. "Speedy and Terra. When was y'all's first kiss?" He asked. They both wrote something down. "Time! Answers?" "Disney themed-dance." Terra said. Speedy showed them the notepad. "Ditto." He said. "Round one; Robstar, one point, Sperra, one point, Bbrae, zero points." Cyborg said. The game went on for awhile longer, and they all tied. "That's so unfair!" Speedy said jokingly. "Starfire and I knew almost EVERYTHING about each other." Robin said. "Dude. Those questions were way too easy. Rae and I so could've beat you." Beastboy said. "My mission is complete. Booyah." Cyborg said, running off to find Carrissa.

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 27, 2015 ⏰

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