Carissa's Importance

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Carissa's POV

I held my head in my hands, trying not to cry. "I'm going to miss every important event in my life because I'm stuck in this stupid dimension." I said to myself. "You okay Mads?" Erin/Dove asked me. "Yeah, just a little upset about the current situation. And call me Carissa." I said. I remembered the day we first came here perfectly.


"STOP IT!" I heard my younger brother, Cole, yell at my sister. They're twins for crying out loud, couldn't they get along better? I thought to myself. I grabbed a cup from the cabinet and got some water. "Leave him alone if he asked you to stop, Erin." I hollered. The sound of stomping was no longer heard from the playroom, aka the game room. I went up the newly carpeted stairs, ready to watch Teen Titans on Boomerang. I sat on the new couch which was prettier but less comfortable than the last. I remembered I had to feed out Scottish Terrier, Lucy. "PAUSE IT!" I screamed at the top of my lungs, even though they were right beside me. Cole quickly reached for the remote and paused it. I ran down the wooden stairs, which made much more noise than the carpet ones. I looked out the window and saw our two horses in the pasture. I was about to continue going down until I saw something in our man made pond. It sparkled, so I decided to check it out. "Erin, Cole, let's go to the pond!" I exclaimed. "But I thought mom and dad said no going outside when they're not home." Erin said curiously. I usually followed the rules, but I couldn't help but be curious. We headed out the front door and down the grassy slope we called a yard. "Don't hit the rocks!" I yelled. We had two giant rocks in our yard. We climbed the white plastic fence and went down to the pond. "It's my blue heart stone!" I exclaimed. "Why is it floating?" Erin asked. While she asked this Cole grabbed it for me. And he was suddenly being pulled somewhere. Erin grabbed his leg and I grabbed her arm, but it was no use. "I don't think we're at home anymore." Erin said, looking around. I looked at Erin and about had a heart attack. "YOU HAVE WINGS!!!" I exclaimed. Everyone stared at us, and I blushed. She looked exactly like her OC, Erin/Dove when we Role Played Teen Titans. She had the same carmel hair, but it went all the way down to her butt instead of barely past her shoulders. Her diopside eyes sparkled as she admired her giant dove wings and her leopard tail. She wore a purple shirt with a black mustache, a black denim skirt, and black converse. I looked over at my brother. His fur was red and it appeared to be on fire. He was in wolf form and quickly changed into his human form. He had brown hair and brown eyes similar to mine, except you could see his pupils. Freckles littered across his face. Everybody thought we were the twins, not he and Erin. "We're stuck in my fanfiction!" I yelled. "So?" Cole asked. "If we mess anything up, we could be stuck here forever!" I exclaimed. "I put us in here..." I said. I honestly didn't know how to explain it. "So you mean you wrote us in, and because we are actually here we didn't change anything, right?" Cole asked. He was correct, and he simplified it well. I didn't look any different, but I knew how to figure out if my powers worked. I turned into a sixteen year old girl. (You know the rest.)

I'm sorry, my phone is being as derpy as a squid, so it won't let me get out of bold italics.

Robin's POV

I decided to take Star to a restaurant called Bistro Don Giovanni for dinner. "Boyfriend Robin, what do you suggest?" Starfire asked me as we sat down. Before I could say a word the waiter interjected. "Posso suggerire l'insalata caesar?" The waiter said. "Che suona bello." She replied. I stared at her in shock. She giggled. "It is of the long stories category." She said, smiling. "What would you like Boyfriend Robin?" She asked me. "I'll have the Caesar salad." I said. "Avrà l'insalata Caesar pure." Starfire said, smiling kindly at the waiter. "E da bere?" He asked us. "What would you like to drink?" Starfire asked. "Just a water with lemon." I said, glaring at the waiter. He kept staring at Star. At first I thought he was just being polite and making eye contact (eye contact is dangerous) but now I know for sure he's staring at her. "Un Dr.Pepper senza ghiaccio e acqua con ghiaccio e limone per favore." She said. We talked for a short while until the waiter brought our salads and our drinks. Starfire had ordered a Dr.Pepper without ice, apparently. He winked at her, so she pecked my cheek lightly to let him know she was taken. He frowned and glared at me. "Posso prendere i vostri ordini?" He asked. "Would you like to try spinach and cheese ravioli with lemon cream, tomato, and herb butter?" She asked. I nodded, smirking at the waiter. "Due ordini di spinaci e formaggio ravioli con crema di limone burro alle erbe pomodoro per favore." She told him. He nodded and winked at her again, and she kissed me on the lips. His jaw tightened and he stalked off. "Il tuo ragazzo meglio guardare le spalle. Ho un pugnale, e dal momento che lui ti ha rubato da me, io sono fin troppo disposti a usarla." He said. "That could've gone the better, am I not correct?" Starfire asked. "It's fine." I said, smiling at her. "Boyfriend Robin, why do you not do the taking off of your mask?" She asked me. I was about to protest, but as soon as I looked into her eyes, I knew any attempts would fail. I took off my mask, revealing sky blue eyes. "Oh, they are as beautiful as Phorediscs!" She exclaimed joyfully. I smiled, but I guess she could tell I was confused. "Phorediscs are what you call the sky blue, but with another color I cannot describe in any earthly language." She explained. Our food came, and just as I was about to take a bite she took my fork and put it down. "C'è sputare nel cibo fidanzato di Robin! Non posso credere che tu! Questo è ridicolo che si lascia la tua gelosia rovinato la nostra notte! Sono ovviamente molto arrabbiato ed esigo che otteniamo il pasto gratuito e si arriva a parlare con il direttore! Io assolutamente non voglio accettare questo, e se avete il coraggio di guardare a me, occhiolino a me, o parlare con me Giuro solennemente Io tirerò le mie starbolts a voi con estremo furore!" She said. He nodded fearfully and left quickly. "What did you say to him?" I asked, stunned. "I said 'There is spit in Boyfriend Robin's food! I cannot believe you! This is ridiculous that you let your jealousy spoil our night! I am obviously extremely upset and I demand that we get the meal free and we get to speak to the manager! I will absolutely not accept this, and if you dare to look at me, wink at me, or speak to me I solemnly swear I will shoot my starbolts at you with extreme fury!'" She said. I gaped at her, shocked. "You didn't have to do that just because he spit in my food." I said. "He also threatened you in Italian." She said, looking down at the ground. "What did he say?" I asked, putting my arm around her. "I'd rather not say. I'd rather say he and I have a past." She said, giving me a look that pleaded me to drop the subject. Someone who I assumed to be the manager came over and talked with Starfire for a while. Eventually she grabbed my hand and pulled me out the door. We ended up stargazing. I felt the box with the ring in my pocket. I was just about to propose, and then I changed my mind. I didn't want to rush things even though we'd been dating for four years. We walked back to the tower together, happy.

I finally updated!!! So, they had an interesting night. And what history? Anyhow, Carissa has been explained. You're welcome. *smiles and waves as if I just won a beauty pageant*

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