Titans Tower

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I laid my head on Beast Boy's shoulder, happy that we were finally together. He kissed my forehead and put his arm around me. And just as he leaned in for a kiss... "HEY! NO PDAS IN THE LIVING ROOM!" Cyborg yelled at us. "That's not fair! You and Bumblebee act all lovey-dovey but Rae and I don't say a thing!" He complained. I blushed at the use of my nickname. Cyborg stuck his tongue out like a five year-old. "Cyborg and Bumble-bee, sitting in a tree, K-I-S-S-I-N-G!" Beast Boy sang smugly. Cyborg blushed, but Bumblebee was unfazed and just gave him a kiss on the cheek. Starfire walked in, wearing a red dress that goes just a little above her knee and silver heels. "Do I look the okay?" She asked nervously. "You look fine Star." Beast Boy assured her. I looked at her outfit for awhile, then had an idea. "Why don't we get your ears pierced?" I said. "Will we go to the mall of shopping?" She asked me excitedly. "Yes, we're going to Claire's to get them pierced." I said. "Oh, I feel most joyful!" Star said. I inwardly cringed, knowing this was a bad idea. Too late to change it now. We went to the mall and headed straight for Claire's. "Welcome to Claire's! Can I help you?" A woman asked us. "Yes, my friend here wants her ears pierced." I said. I self consciously played with my hair, wondering if my outfit looked okay. Before we came to the mall I put on a plain sky-blue dress with a black belt around the waist and black heels so people wouldn't think I was weird. "Do you want your ears pierced also?" The woman asked. "Um...sure?" I said. She gave us a smile. "Hmm...I'm thinking onyx for you. Onyx is associated with the planet Saturn, which will bring a positive vibe for those born in the shadow of the planet Saturn. It is a stone for Leo zodiac sign . Black Onyx stone will helps maintenance Leo characteristic. Black Onyx meaning In the Indian tradition is said to help people to forget about their past relationships and bring people in tune with the present." She said.

I nodded my head, thinking it would be good for me. I didn't believe it, but I liked the color. "Or maybe your birthstone. What's your birthstone, anyway?" She asked. "Amethyst." I said. "Both would fit you very well...what's your astrological sign?" She asked me. "Aquarius, but I don't see how all of this is important." I responded, slightly irritated. "Yes, amethyst will be best." She said, piercing my ears. It caused minimal pain, so I was able to sit still. She did the same to Starfire, but instead of amethyst she used alexandrite, which matched her eyes. Unlike I did, Starfire screamed as if she was being murdered. I paid the lady the money and dragged Starfire out of the mall, embarrassed. "But we did not even get to partake in the shopping." Starfire said sadly. I took a deep breath. "We can go back as long as you don't embarrass me again. Understood?" I asked. She nodded solemnly. We headed back into the mall, which I wished we hadn't done. "Can we get this Friend Raven?" She pleaded, pointing to a Marc Jacobs perfume called Daisy. I nodded, even after seeing the price. We went to a few more stores and pretty much blew all our money. But I had to admit, I had fun. We arrived home quicker than expected. "I had fun today Starfire." I said, opening the door. "I had the fun as well Friend Raven." She said, walking through. Robin was standing there in a simple black tux. Starfire blushed and hid behind me, apparently nervous about Robin's opinion. I moved out of the way and playfully shoved her toward him. She tripped and fell into his arms, just like in a cliché movie. I sat down on the couch and picked up my book, Cinder, book one of The Lunar Chronicles. I've already read it, but it was one of my favorites. I couldn't wait for Winter, the fourth and final book, to come out. "Hey Rae-Rae," Beast Boy said. "What?" I asked. "Do you wanna go out tonight?" He asked. "Why?" I asked, still trying to read. "Well A) I like you. B) I'd hate it if you got dressed up for nothing." He said, smirking on the last part. "Sure." I said, tucking my long hair behind my ear. I hadn't cut it since New York other than trimmings because Beast Boy said I looked pretty that way. "Yes!" He exclaimed, jumping into the air and pumping his fist. I rolled my eyes. He acted this way every time I agreed to go out with him. He ran to his room to change, and I went to Starfire's. I knocked on the door, hoping she would answer. Of course not dummy, she's out with Robin. I thought to myself. I opened the door and hoped she wouldn't mind. I left a note on her dresser just in case she did.

Hey Star, I used a squirt of Pink Chiffon for my date with BB. I didn't think you'd mind, and I'm sorry if you did : )


I quickly left and sat down on the couch to wait for Beast Boy.

Carissa's POV

I smiled as I changed from the ear piercing lady back to myself. I watched as Raven walked off, wearing her new earrings. Now she could freely express any emotions and nothing would happen. I twisted my own emotion-controlling earrings and left the building.

I finally updated! BB and Raven's date will be in the next chapter. Also, just how important is Carissa/Varian? How does she know Raven and Terra's names? Why am I asking so many questions? Why did I count two as 'many'? Why am I still typing? Why don't I own Teen Titans?

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