Corner 7

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•Millie's pov•

There was something about Corner 7 that set it apart from the other bars that were around here. The biggest difference was that it was near the beach.

Being in Italy at 19 was a blessing. Especially with the drinking age. However the down side was that I had no where to go if things got out of hand with my boyfriend Ethan. I didn't notice it back then, but with him providing me with a place to say and food to eat really shows how much of an anchor he was in my life.

It didn't make it any better that I didn't have any family I could rely on either. My family still live in Australia after moving from the states where I grew up.

Corner 7 felt more like a home than anything else. As long as you ignored the strong smell of cigar smoke and the old men that leered at you as you walked passed them. Other than that I just really loved this place.

One night I ended up staying here til close and ended up meeting  the owner. I had asked him if I could work here and he told me if I had more experience then I would've had the job. But he didn't have the time to train a newbie at the time. I then asked him about the band posters on the wall in the back. What he said in that moment would never leave my mind.

"Oh those? Those are a piece of someone who has wandered in here looking for a home. After a few drinks, talking to me about what brought them in here, thanking me for listening they come back later with their band flyers. Never forgetting what it felt like to be apart if Corner 7."

I sat at the bar and ordered my favorite brand of hard cider when I saw Lucus walk in. He stole all the air in room. Even though the air in here was very distasteful.

"I'm curious to know why you chose this bar of all places."

Was the first thing Lucas said once he was close enough for me to hear him.

"Well," I started hesitantly and took a quick sip of my drink, "I think this is the place you can call home even when you don't have one anymore."

Lucas' eyebrows raised as he took a seat next to me.

"Uh anyway, you didn't come here to mope did you?"

I laughed nervously realizing I had already made it feel awkward.

"Nah, I was just wondering the reason a pretty girl would be at this run down bar that's in the middle of a shady neighborhood."

Rolling my eyes I took a sip of my drink glancing at him. My heart fluttered at Lucas calling me pretty. Any girl would take one look at him and instantly want him. I was in such a depressed state that I didn't see Lucas as a conquest. I didn't even know if I could have this kind of attraction toward someone again.

"Well, one night I was curious about where my boyfriend was going when he went out with his friends," I paused letting out a deep breath.

"And? Come on keep going." Lucas encourage.

"Never mind. Let's talk about something else."

I said narrowing my eyes at him.

"You can't just stop mid story. What is it?" Lucas said squinting his eyes at me.

"What's your deal huh? What have I done to peak your interest like this? What's the deal with you and your girlfriend?"

I stopped myself once I realized I was bombarding him with questions. While not giving him time to even respond.

"You really have a lot of questions there."

He laughed, waving his hand to get the bartender's attention. He ordered himself a drink, I guess it was going to be a long night for the both of us.

"How about this, I'll tell you about my girlfriend," He paused and I knew a condition was coming, "If, you finish that story you were going to tell me about your boyfriend."

"Fine. You've got a deal." I said, taking a long sip of my drink.

"Well, her name was Amanda. She was a beginner level scientist at some big shot company until she decided to become a musician. She started a band and dragged me along with her. The fame got to her head and one night I walked into our apartment to see her fucking one of her band mates. That's where it ended." Lucas looked around Corner 7.

His eyes landed on poorly lit corner covered in band flyers. Now I knew why he wondered why I picked this place.

We stayed silent for a moment.

"What's the name of her band?"


I downed the rest of my drink before getting up and walking over the corner. I immediately found the girls poster. It was in dead center of the board.

"Hey Derek!" I called.

The owner exited his office that was on the other side of the bar.

"What's up Mills? What can I do for you?" He said walking over to me a smile on his face.

"I hate to ask, but can I have this flyer? It belongs to a friend."

I gave him my best puppy dog eyes and he rolled his eyes but nodded anyway. I smiled giving him a tight hug.

"You're the best!" I said as Derek waved me off as he walked back into his office.

I snatched the flyer off the board and walked back over to Lucas handing it to him. He gave me a confused look and I smiled in return.

"Want to go burn it?" I suggested.

His eyes lit up with interest. He downed his drink then pulled out a few bucks to pay for it. Shaking his head, Lucas let out a laugh.

The smile on my face was replaced with a raised eyebrow of confusion. Lucas continued to laugh while shaking his head.

"You still owe me a story." He said, his laughing fit stopping completely.

"I'll tell you some other time. For now let's go burn that flyer."

He smiled yet again hopping off the bar stool.

"Lead the way m'lady."

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