The Past

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•Millie's pov•

When I first met Ethan he was a good guy. Something had changed over the years, but I didn't know what it was.

I looked down at my phone and noticed I had 30 missed calls.

I was going to be in deep shit once I got home.

"Everything okay?" Lucas asked as we walked further down the Clevedon Pier.

We came upon the last trashcan at the end of the pier and I looked out at the water while Lucas took out a lighter.

"What?" I paused and looked back at him before looking out at the water once a again.

"I asked if everything was okay?"

Lucas looked at me with his narrowing eyes. He was going to think something was wrong in a minute if I didn't loosen up.

"Oh. Yeah everything is fine." I said.

Though my chest tightened out of fear at the thought of what I would have to deal with once I got home. I didn't want to leave. I wouldn't admit it out loud but I enjoyed Lucas' company. I hadn't been home all day either, so I knew Ethan was beyond pissed.

"Okay, you ready?" Lucas asked me.

I blinked  my thoughts back before turning around to face him and nodded, forcing a smile on my face. Through the dim light I could feel Lucas eyeing me. He could tell something was up, but this time he chose not to say anything.

The lighter flickered on as Lucas held it under the flyer. Catching it on fire, he dropped it into the bin as we watched it burn. The glow illuminated our faces. I looked up from the fire, seeing Lucas as already looking at me.

I could feel my chest tightening for the second time tonight but for a completely different reason. He stared at me with an unabashed hunger that I'd ever seen.


I whispered and there he was towering over me with his tall frame. However, he was so close I didn't notice. All I could focus on was how my breathing became erratic. It came in short puffs. The chilled night air caught it like smoke clouds.

His eyes burned deep into my soul and he stepped even closer to me. Instinctively I took a step back, a part of me knowing this was wrong. Another part of me knew that after tonight I'd probably never see this amazing guy again.

Lucas stepped forward again and I again stepped back only to bump into the cold metal railing. I looked down at the splashing water, then back up to his eyes. There was some type of pull between us, because when his body pressed against mine, all rational thoughts flew out of my head.

His head dipped and I tilted mine upward to meet his. It still felt wrong in the back of my mind, but when our lips finally met, it felt so right.

"Well, well. Isn't this just a lovers embrace."

That voice.

Oh no.

I didn't move because my body was pressed against the railing. Lucas jumped back so fast he knocked over the metal bin sending ashes into the air.

"E-Ethan please...t-this w-wa-"

I spoke softly yet stumbled over my words afraid that anything I said could set him off into a rampage.

This time was no different.

"Oh so it didn't look like this asshole was kissing your whore mouth?" He yelled striding toward us.

On instinct, I cowered away praying that this wasn't the moment he finally hit me. Before he could even reach me, Lucas stood blocking his way.

"It's not polite to call a random guy you just met an asshole, you know." Lucas said, his voice hard with an edge to it.

It was more like a warning.

"Well, you at least picked a guy with balls to cheat on me with. I'll give you that Mills, I'm fairly impressed. Didn't think you had it in you."

Ethan was smirking as he spoke. Though I couldn't see him, I didn't need to. I've known him far too long not to have him figured out by now.

"How did you even find me?" I said to the air since I didn't have the courage to face him.

"Find my iphone. Easily enough I just had to follow the stench of slut and there you were. Sucking on this guys face."

I flinched at his name calling like I'd always do since he started doing it. The first time he said something like that to me, I had been so shocked I tried to defend myself. But I learned quickly that would just made him even angrier and provoked him to start breaking things. Once he broke a lamp, and the glass shattered a piece of it slicing my arm open. I had to rush myself to the hospital because he had left immediately after the disaster. Not bothering to have to clean up the mess.

When he saw the blood he thought maybe I had offed myself. Ethan found out later that had happened, showing up at the hospital crying and promising to never do it again.

Lies. All lies.

"Shows just how much of a boy you really are if you have to start using provocative language to demean a women." Lucas spoke, holding his ground in front of me like a protective shield.

"How about you get the fuck out of my way. You have no business here. I'll even forgive you for your mistake with my girlfriend, if you leave now. I won't even try to track you down later. Promise."

Lucas' body hummed with anger. I could feel it and I could only see his back.

"You think I'm going to let some fucker come up and talk to a nice girl like that? You think my mama raised me to be some pussy? I think it's time you were put in your pathetic place."

I gasped.

Lucas and Ethan raced towards each other. Fists flying once they were close enough to reach each other.

"Stop!! Please stop!" I cried out.

I tried to figure out who to push off who, settling to stop Ethan. When I moved toward him he glared at me with such anger in his eyes and I immediately backed off. Unfortunately for Ethan, Lucas took advantage of him being distracted by me and landed a punch right to his jaw and he hit the ground with a loud thud.

Lucas rushed over to me and grabbed my phone out of my right coat pocket. Turning around he threw it next to Ethan's limp body.

"Come on. Let's get out of here." Lucas said.

Sliding his hand in mine, he took off quickly dragging me with him.

"Where are we going?" I asked.

He smiled.

"My apartment."

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