Brussel Sprouts

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•Millie's pov•

"Brussel sprouts "


Lucas looked me straight in my eyes as he repeated himself. I stared at him confused on what the hell he meant. I mean who suddenly starts a conversation off with that.

"It was something she loved to eat a lot. Someone who likes brussel sprouts has to be crazy right?"

I looked at him and shrugged not knowing how to respond.

"Why did you agree to have coffee with me if you weren't going to talk?" He asked giving me a look.

"I should have mentioned this earlier, but I have a boyfriend and he is most likely worried about me." I said.

"Yeah I'm sure he is so worried about you." Lucas said rolling his eyes in the process.

"So brussel sprouts was her favorite huh?" I spoke ignoring Lucas' sarcastic comment.

He pressed his lips together and nodded slowly.

"That's very strange." I replied then took a sip of my coffee once more.

"Right! She also loved eating beets." Lucas said.

"Now that's even more strange. I don't know many who eat beets willingly." I said, scrunching my nose.

"I hate them. I hate a lot of other things actually, especially her."

"What happened between you two?" I looked at him now very intrigued.

Lucas looked away instead. His face is becoming serious showing he didn't want to go into detail.

"What about you? What's up between you and that boyfriend you mentioned earlier?" He put his hands up to air quote when he mentioned boyfriend.

I let out a long sigh before sipping my coffee.

"Fine. I guess I'll go first then"

Lucas nodded in encouragement as he sat up straight clearly ready to hear what I was going to say.

"Right. Well his name is Ethan. He likes to work a lot....sometimes a little too much. To the point he doesn't come home til 3 am. We live together. I'm 19 and he's 23, he has a lot of his life going for him actually."

"If that's true then why is he dating a 19 year old?" Lucas gave me a suspicious look, his right eyebrow raised.

"We actually met when I was 16 and he was 20." I replied though Lucas still gave me a suspicious look.

"Anyway, Ethan doesn't like it when I just leave without telling him. Lately he hasn't been home much, but his anger has gotten worse. The other day it was a lot worse than normal. It was pretty scary actually."

I went quite taking a sip of my now warm drink.

Lucas had set down this coffee and was looking i to my eyes intensely.

"Millie....what exactly are you saying?"

"He isn't abusive or anything...well not physically that is, not yet." I said.

"Damn. And here I thought my life was in trenches."

"Yeah nope. I'm in the same boat as you are."

"Want to grab a drink with me later? I think you could use one."

"Are you sure you want to invite me along Lucas? I'm a complete mess."

"I'm just as much of a mess as you are."

I chuckled at his remark nodding in agreement. I got up to throw my cup away and head home before Ethan would make a fuss out if how long I've been gone.

"Corner 7 at 9 o'clock." I said.

I exited the coffee shop turning around for a split second to see a smile spread across Lucas' face. I turned back around continuing to make my way home.

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