The Agreement

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•Millie's pov•

Our mouths moved together in a perfect dance. His lips kissed a trail down my neck and I moaned into the air.

"Lucas, this is a bad idea." I whispered, and his lips found mine again, tossing all thoughts out of my head.

He picked me up and I wrapped my legs around his waist. He pressed me harder against the door and I could feel his-

"Lucas, wait." I pushed him back and he breathed heavily, his eyes darkened and filled with want, need.

"What is it?"

"I'm...I'm a virgin." I looked away shameful of the words coming out of my mouth, but Lucas used his index finger and tilted my chin back up.

"We'll take it slow. But there's something about you. Something I just can't shake."

He sets me down so my legs touch the floor.

"We can stop if you want."

He tucks a strand of my hair behind my ear.

"Yeah, I think we should. At least until I know you better." I said bashfully and went into his bedroom to find my clothes.

I suddenly heard his laughter from the living room and peeked my head around the corner to look.

"Sorry, sorry I was just thinking about how insane this day has been." He told me and laughed again.

"My life isn't usually this messy." I said, laughing with him.

"Somehow I doubt that."

I reached over to his bed and threw a pillow at him. He caught it with ease, making his muscle flex. My breath caught in my throat and he must have recognized the look on my face because suddenly he wasn't laughing anymore.

"Millie if we're going to live together and stay away from each other," he stood up and easily crossed the room to stand in front of me, "you can't be looking at me like that."

I played the innocent card.

"Looking at you like what?"

He got closer and I could feel his hot breath on my face, making me shiver.

"You can't be looking at me like I'm something to eat." He whispered huskily and my breathing stopped again.

"I-I was not." I said and stalked into the kitchen to grab another hard cider.

I could hear his chuckle from all the way in there. I grabbed him one to be generous and brought it out to him.

"So are we going to talk about your ex-girlfriend just showing up? Also you slept with her six months ago? Wait, how old are you, exactly?" I rattled off questions without giving him time to answer.

"Whoa, someone is definitely intrigued. Also, don't you have a story to tell me?"

I thought back to when I promised him I'd tell him the story about my boyfriend. I closed my eyes and took a deep breath.

"Answer my questions and I'll tell you."

He took a drink.

"Why should I believe you'll actually tell me this time?" He looked at me cautiously, and I rolled my eyes.

"I will I promise. Just answer those questions."

"Fine, fine. What was the first one again?"

"I asked if we were going to talk about your ex showing up." I took a drink this time and turned my body to face him so he knew I wasn't backing out of this conversation.

"Ugh, well yes we are talking about it now.
Next question." He took a drink and I rolled my eyes again.

"No dodging questions, Lucas. But the next one was me asking about if you slept with her six months ago, and give me a real answer this time."

He sighed and looked toward me before staring straight ahead.

"We broke up six months ago. I slept with her that morning before she cheated on me. I didn't expect her to tell you who she was. Just figured she'd see you and then leave.
Apparently she wasn't done trying to talk to me." He took yet another drink and then set it down on the table.

"Wow...I'm truly sorry Lucas. No one should ever be cheated on. It seriously sucks." I said, looking away and suddenly Lucas whipped his head toward me.

"No way. Don't tell me...he did that to you?" Lucas stared into my eyes with disbelief.

I nodded and looked away again.

"You still have to answer one more question...but I guess I can tell you that story." I sighed and set my drink down next to his.

I stood up and started to pace back and forth in front of him, trying to find the words.

"My boyfriend-"

Lucas flinched at the word so I hurried to correct myself.

"Ex-boyfriend...started to go out with his friends more. He would leave at 6 o'clock in the evening and not come back until almost 2 a.m. He started doing this more and more. I began to worry he had gotten into some kind of trouble so one night...I followed him." Lucas listened intently and nodded for me to continue.

"It led me to an old apartment building on the south side of the city. A place no one should ever go. I followed him up to the apartment where after a few minutes of him going inside, I heard noises. I thought he might be in trouble, so I burst in to find him on top of a naked woman. Fucking her. I was in so much shock that I ran out and into the nearest bar. The Burban. The owner helped me cope and told me maybe it was time I moved on."

Lucas stood up and stopped me from pacing before hugging me to his chest.

"It's okay. It's not your fault that he went to another woman. You are not responsible for his actions, he is," he drew me back to look into my eyes, "Don't ever feel like something like that was your fault. He's the coward who couldn't wait and decided to cheat. You didn't push him into that. He pushed himself. Clearly he fell by himself too."

I didn't realize I had started to cry until
Lucas wiped away a stray tear. I groaned and shook my head.

"I know it just doesn't make it hurt any less." I let out a forced laugh and he hugged me again.

"You can stay here for as long as you need to Millie. If you want to go get your things, I'll go over there with you tomorrow. You always have a choice."

"My to stay here.....with you."

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⏰ Last updated: May 23 ⏰

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