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"You've been called back to Top Gun." 


~Ravens POV~

And there she goes. 

My home for the last 4 months, soon to be just another red pin on the map at home. It was fun don't get me wrong, testing those new F-35s out for Israel will be an experience I never forget, but I've been called somewhere else now. 

And there is no refusing a call. 

Weirdly enough, I've been called back to Top Gun. I'm not exactly sure what they want from me yet. I only graduated around 4 years ago, so I doubt I'm about to teach anything. But I kept in contact with my friend Phoneix over the years, and apparently, she's been called back too. I'm supposed to be meeting her in a couple of hours. She told me to come in uniform, but I wasn't bothered to get ready today so I'm rocking up in whatever I've got on. Which just happens to be some denim shorts and a black singlet. 

I park my rusted-ass Toyota in a bar parking lot, pulling out my phone to double-check I've got the place right.  I hop out of my car, slamming the door closed behind me, and letting my body stretch for what feels like the first time in a year. 

"Aarrrrggggggg," I let out, as I need down to touch my toes. "I swear I'm the most unfit fit person I know," I whisper to myself. I stand back up straight, shaking the jitters off and jogging to the bar's entrance. 

It's right on the edge of a beach, and I can already hear the warm tunes of a jukebox seeping out from the partially opened door. The ocean brings with it a soft breeze that gently flips my hair back and forth, making goosebumps rise on my uncovered arms. I stop right outside the door, closing my eyes and letting myself have one final moment before whatever it is this journey turns out to be, begins. 

"ROSE!! OVER HERE!!" My head immediately whips over to see a fully suited Phoneix sitting on a chair next to a pool table at the back of the bar. She's surrounded by a few other guys all dressed up as well. I smile at her, lifting my hand up in acknowledgment, making sure she knows I saw her, before jogging over to the bar. 

"Hey, there lovely what can I get you." A lady in her mid 40's maybe, who only moments before was busy making eyes with A older pilot sitting at the bar, looks up at me. Her hair is perfectly curled around her face, and I smile back up at her as I lean on the bar, right next to that old pilot. 

"Whatever cheap beer you've got thanks." I drum my hands on the nicely polished wood as I let my eyes scan the taps behind her.

"Well you're in luck, this man right here has just accidentally put his phone on the bar, you missed it but I rang the bell, so your next drink is free." I can see the old pilot's head lower and shake, still upholding a big smile. I smile back in return, placing my hand on the poor guy's back before giving him a good pat. 

"Well thank you! In that case, I'll have whatever EXPENSIVE beer you've got!" He chuckles, looking up at me for the first time and shifting his head as a way to say you're welcome. I smile kindly at him before the same lady hands me my beer. "Thank you!" I say, simultaneously taking a sip and spinning around to make my way over to Phoneix. 

"Hey!! It's good to see you again!" She says, opening her arms wide for me to walk into as I get closer. I put my beer down on a skinny shelf before opening my arms to embrace her. 

"Good to see you too Phoneix!" 

"No uniform?" She whispers in my ear while we are still embracing. I smile, pulling away from her and turning to fetch my beer. "None of them have ever met you before, so none of them will know you're a pilot." I laugh, throwing my head back and taking a sip of my beer. 

~Raven~ a Miles Teller TopGun fanfiction (SPOILER ALERT FOR TOPGUN 2)Where stories live. Discover now