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"You wanted a team. Here's your team."


For some ungodly reason, Maverick dragged all of us out to the beach. It's not that I don't like the beach per se, but going to the beach with a bunch of pilots that love not wearing a shirt always causes some form of an issue. 

"You coming?" I look up from my phone to see Phoneix hopping out of the car. I smile, nodding my head. Phoneix is smart, wearing a short-sleeved shirt and some shorts. I, however, was not that smart, and instead wore a bikini and some shorts. I put a jumper on over the top, but it was blazing hot out, so I know I'm going to have to take it off. I pop the door open, getting out of the car, and walk over to meet where everyone else was standing on the beach. 

The tide is low, but only just recently, leaving the flattened-out sand with a thin layer of water. The sun shines directly on it, giving the whole beach the look of glowing. The waves crash in the distance, seagulls fly over the top of everyone, and Maverick bought us a speaker, blasting some tunes. I make my way over to where he set up a chair, smiling at Maverick before pulling my jumper off. 

"WOOOHOOO!" I hear, the tone of the catcall ringing in my ears. I laugh, however, recognizing it as Phoneix. She did, however, make everyone's eyes shift over to where I was standing. I look over to Rooster, who was holding his glasses down on his nose, making a show of looking at me. He has no shirt on and is rocking a pair of jean shorts. Everyone starts cheering as I run over, and I do a little jog and end it with a curtsy just to make a show. 

"Any of you played dog fight football before?" Maverick says, walking up to all of us and chucking a football at me and another at Hangman. All of us look at each other, confusion is very apparent on our faces. "Well, you'll start today." We pick teams and set up the game. 

"AND HUT!" The whistle blows and both balls are thrown from underneath the 2 teams' legs. One is then passed to me, and I see if I can chuck it over to anyone else. Not seeing anyone free, I take a run for it, dodging around all the obstacles that try to tackle me or block my path. I make it over the line, throwing the ball into the ground with a roar of success. 

"EAT ITTT," I say, running up to Rooster and purposefully getting in his face. He laughs at me as I jog away, gesturing to him that I've got my eyes on him. Phoneix looks at me, giving me a smile that tells me exactly what she's thinking. 


"Nothing official. We just kissed." 

"HA!" She says, slapping my back way too enthusiastically. "I fucking called it. The first time he saw you I could see it in his face." I just smile, shaking my head watching her shoot me a wink and jog off. 

"REPLAY EVERYONE GET BACK INTO IT!" I clap my hands together and run back to my team, to start another play. 


By this time, everyone has lost count and is just trying their absolute best to tackle everyone else in the most horrific ways. I dived head first at Bob at one point, the impact surprising him so much that he collapsed in an instant. But he came back, scoring his first try in the next play. Everyone lost their shit, Rooster, and Hangman both picking him up and hoisting him on their shoulders. Someone even tackled Maverick face down to the ground. everyone laughed as he rolled around in the sand, but Rooster walked over, offering him his hand to help him up.

Maverick has long retired at this point, spending his time sitting at a beach table with none other than Penny. Phoneix and some of the other pilots had also left the game, spending their time walking along the beach or swimming in the water. I refuse to give up, however. 

~Raven~ a Miles Teller TopGun fanfiction (SPOILER ALERT FOR TOPGUN 2)Where stories live. Discover now