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"Why did you die." 

"I wasn't fast enough if I had anticipated-" Phoneix tries to explain her absence of communication to Maverick once everyone is back in the hanger.

"Don't give me an excuse unless it's good enough to give to Bob's family."


~Raven's POV~

"He should've sped up. Everyone else here knows it. He isn't cut out for this mission." Hangman is just trying to rile him up. Maverick is trying to calm the situation, but it's not working. Hangman is just poking at Rooster trying to get him to tip over. "I'm sure you're all aware, but Maverick use to fly with Rooster's dad before he-" Rooster stands up and pushes Hangman. They start screaming at each other and everyone else jumps up to break them up. 

"SAY THAT AGAIN! SAY IT" Rooster is screaming in his face. His entire head is flaming red and his veins are popping out as he yells. Bob and Phoneix are holding him back, while I jump in the middle, and stick my arms out as hard as I can, forcing them away from each other. 

"ROOSTER! LOOK AT ME! LOOK!" I yell as loud as I can to try and break Rooster's eye contact with Hangman. He finally looks at me, as painful as it looks for him to stop looking at Hangman, once he does, he visibly relaxes. Both my hands are laid flat on his chest as I look up at him. His glasses are currently on my head, and I see his eyes shift to them, and a small smile grows on his face.

"I'm cool. I'm cool." Hangman throws his hands in the air and backs off before Maverick dismisses everyone. Hangman shoulder chargers Rooster, before walking out of the Hanger. Phonix and Bob stay back a bit, to make sure he's okay before they leave too. 

I'm at my desk, shoving some notes I took into a messy pile when Rooster walks up to the desk, sitting down in the chair across from me. He lets out a deep breath and lays his head back against the chair closing his eyes. I stop moving for a bit, just watching him rest. 

"You ok?" I say softly, afraid that I might disturb some of his much-needed peace. He nods his head slowly up and down without opening his eyes or making a sound. His face is still red and hot. Sweat still beading at his temples, one drop every now and then losing the battle to gravity and slowly falling down the sides of his face. I let out a small laugh. "No, you're not." I see him gently smile, before his eyes slowly open to find mine. 

"I'm sorry for losing my shit." I smile, making my way around the table to sit in the chair next to him. I bring my legs into my lap, hugging my knees close to me as I shift to face him in the chair. He lets out a laugh. 

"What's so funny?" I say, punching his arm.

"Nothing nothing. Just how you can fit in a chair like that." I take notice of how small the chair looks while he's sitting in it. You can barely see it, other than the top parts next to his head. His legs are so long they would hit the top of the table if he was sitting up straight. I laugh, shifting back and forth with my body, to flex the amount of space I have. He just shakes his head, once again closing his eyes and relaxing back into the chair. 

"You don't have to be sorry. He said some pretty fucked up things." Rooster doesn't react. He just continues breathing. "Plus, someone ought to give that guy a good knee to the balls. Force him to double-check his ego." This makes him smile. That stupid smile. It's contagious. 

Before I can even stop myself, let alone even register what I'm doing, I lean forwards just enough so that my hand can reach his face. I gather my sleeve up in my hand and gently wipe away the beads of sweat that refuse to let go of his head. His eyes shoot open at the contact, but he doesn't move an inch. He just lays there as I softly dab his head, scooching closer so that I can try and reach the other side of his head. 

~Raven~ a Miles Teller TopGun fanfiction (SPOILER ALERT FOR TOPGUN 2)Where stories live. Discover now