episode 09 - your eyes tell

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Lisa Lightbelle is going to be perfectly honest, she does not care for the Games.

In fact, the whole concept of fighting for entertainment never really appealed to her. She preferred to keep her hands free from grime, blood, and sweat, unlike those unruly wizards gathered in the area today. Really, who would willingly sign up themselves for a chance to get beat up? Lisa just didn’t understand. 

However, Lisa had no choice but to attend this stupid festival when she had learned that Hibiki Lates was participating in this year’s tournament. She had to support the love of her life, after all. They were going to be married soon, even if he didn’t know it yet. 

Lisa only bothers to cheer when the emcee announces Hibiki and his guild, and is silent for the rest. She’s quite irked when Hibiki smiles and waves at other women who aren’t her, but she takes a deep breath and calms herself down. Green is an unattractive color on her. It’s quite strange, though, the way Hibiki looks like he’s searching for someone in the crowd. Was it her, perhaps? 

Her friends shriek and leap in excitement when Fairy Tail Team B is announced. Lisa wishes they would have a bit of decorum when out in public. She didn’t even know why having two teams was such a surprise to everyone. It’s not like anyone but Blue Pegasus is going to win. 

Having been born with a sharp eye, Lisa notices the way Hibiki—and many others, honestly—become drawn towards Team B as they walk out into the arena. Or rather, drawn towards a certain someone in Fairy Tail’s second team. Her imaginary claws sharpen, a rival?

“Oh my Gods!” Her friend screams in her ear, shaking Lisa’s shoulders frantically. “Laxus is here! Mirajane too! And Gajeel! Eek! Even [Name] too! She hasn’t joined the Games in years! O-M-G! The Tenrou Group is back!”

Lisa removes her arm with a disgruntled smile. “I’m supposed to care, why?” 

Her friend looks at her in disbelief, like Lisa is supposed to keep up with all the happenings in Fiore. “You don’t know? The Tenrou Group disappeared for seven years. Seven. Back then, Sorcerer Weekly kept up with Fairy Tail all the time. Wizards like Natsu and Erza are supposedly strong. Like super, super strong.” 

Lisa yawns. 

The next hour passes by in a blur. Lisa doesn’t really care for the event, instead she bides her time by watching the other guilds rest in the stands. Blue Pegasus, to be specific. Just Hibiki, if she is going to be honest. Hibiki is tense as he monitors Eve’s performance in the first contest. But now and then Hibiki’s gaze drifts to Fairy Tail Team B. To that girl in particular. 

Lisa feels her eye twitch. “Who’s that girl? The one in Team B?” 

“Hm?” Her friend turns to her, annoying doe-eyes widening. “Are you talking about [Name]? She has one or two interviews in Sorcerer Weekly. Her magic has something to do with plants, I believe? And—”

“I don’t care about her magic!” Lisa snaps. 

“Oh. Um.” Her friend deflates. “Well, the only thing I only really know about her is that she’s been in the guild as long as Erza has.”

Lisa rubs her temples. What connection would a commoner like her have with Hibiki?

She decides to keep an eye on [Name] for now. 

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