Two idiots | chapter 2

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(Tabitha's POV)

I had a schedule planned out in my head.

Wake up. Do everyday morning activities. Eat breakfast, meet Mike.

He still had to go to school since he's 15- 16 but not today as it was a Sunday. A bright summer Sunday.


(Dustin's POV)

It ate our cat. it ate our cat. It ate our cat!

"Oh dear I-" My mum barges in the front door her eyes glassy. I put the phone to my ear as if I was talking on it. "Uh huh. Yep, well that's great news! Thank you for telling me this." I put the phone down slowly and turned around. Ready for the questions.

"Did they find her?" My mother asked. She has been on and on about our cat and I have been lying to her. "No. But great news they found her wandering around." I say, masking a smile.

"Oh dear! She's still out there my poor baby." She said grabbing her purse that was sat on the table that a salami piece was stuck on. I have to distract her. "Why don't you go look for her while I stay home in case of more calls?" I asked hoping from the bottom of my heart she would leave.

"Of course. Great idea!" And with that she was gone. I picked up the salami piece that was under her handbag and used that and much more salami to make a trail inside my house. It led outside to the front yard where there was a small basement.

I put on mittens, armour and brought a hockey stick. Just in case. With a deep sigh I started the boobie trap. "Dart! Come out I know your hungry!" I yell while opening my bedroom door. I sprint, well...waddle down the hall, cursing.

I run outside to the shed and hid. Finally I could breathe. "Come on. Come on." I whispered and was relieved once seeing Dart exit the front door and right onto the trap. Just as I thought he fell for it, he turned to me.

I breathed heavily, hating the option I gave myself. I knew I had to do it though. "Arghhhh!" I charged at him with my hockey stick before chucking him into where he belongs, the basement.

I wipe the non existent sweat off. "I'm sorry. You ate my cat." That's when I rushed to my bedroom.

"Code red!" I yell into the walkie talkie. "This is a code red Lucas!" I scream louder. I finally hear a voice just when I thought my own would vanish. "Would you please shut up." Erica Sinclair said into the walkie talkie. "Oh Erica! Is Lucas there?" I ask in hopes he is.

"Nope." She asnswers plainly. What does she expect me to say. oH iF yOu SaY nO thEn iM jUsT gOiNg tO leAve. "Well do you know where he is?" I ask growing impatient.

"Don't know. Don't care." Ughh! Why does my day have to be like this. "Is he with Mike?" I ask curiously. "Like I said. I don't know and I don't care." She said but I stopped her before she turned it off.

"Well could you please tell him that this is a code r-"

"A code red?" She asked, holding back a laugh.

"Exactly" I smile. Maybe this will work out. "Well I got a code for you." She started. "It's code shut your ass up." Then the line cut. Shit. I quickly rode to mike's house in dear HOPES he was there.

Once making it to the door. I knocked. Once, twice. Too many times. "Hello?" Ted, mikes dad asked. "Do you realise that your line has been going off Mr Wheeler?" I ask in anger.

"Yes I do realise that." He said tiredly. Well why didn't you do something about that huh? "Is mike home?" I ask, tapping my foot.


"Well where the hell is he?" I ask yet again. If I ask anymore questions I might as well be in maths class. "Where is our son?" He asks Karen inside.

"wills house!" She calls out. Damn.

"Well wheres Nancy?" I ask in hopes yet again just for it to be crushed. "You do realise our kids don't live here anymore do you?"

I just stare at him. "Now are we done here?" He asks after a very long minute. "You son a bitch. Your no help, you know that?" I snapped while walking off.

"Language!" He calls behind me but I really couldn't give two shits.

Walking out the driveway, a familiar car pulls up at the front of the wheelers house.

Steve fucking Harrington.

He exited his car, with flowers and started mumbling to himself but I couldn't care less.

"Steve!" I call out, he stops in his tracks. My gaze shifts to the roses in his hands. "Are those for Mr and Mrs wheeler?" I ask not even letting him finish.


I grabbed them and walked off.

"They're for Nancy!" He called out behind me. "She isn't home." I said in a monotone voice. "Well where is she?" He asked. "No time to explain. We got bigger issues right now. Now jump in the car and drive."

(Tabitha's POV)

It was time to go to the wheelers. I was bored all day and so that's why I'm coming a couple minutes earlier. Possibly an hour but that's fine. I had my headphones in my ears while blasting my favourite song.

Crossing the road, I didn't have a second thought when I probably should of. BANG!

"Fuck!" I yelled falling to the ground. I pushed off my headphones when realising I just got hit by a car. Great. "Shit, shit, shit" a person cursed inside of the car.

Two boys hop out. One younger boy and an older one. The one I saw in the window earlier today.

"Shit! Are you okay?" The younger boy asked. I looked up at him in the most annoyed expression. "It's not like I just got hit by a car. I'm totally fine." I say. My voice practically soaking in sarcasm.

"Feisty she is." He said turning to the boy my age. "Hey are you sure your okay? I can rush you to the hospital." He asks kindly. He was attractive far and up close. He had a nice jawline and chocolate eyes that looked sincere.

"Nah I'm good." I stood up, straightened my clothes before walking. "See?" I asked. I was embarrassed for sure. "Where are you off to?" He asks. I look in the direction of the Meeler house? I can't remember their name.

"To a friends house." I state. No way am I going to give these strangers details when they just ran me over. "Does your so called friends happened to be called the wheelers?" The boy behind me asked.

"Uh yes how did you kn-" I was going to ask but got Rudely interrupted. "They're not home. Come with us instead." He suggested. He seemed nice and now I feel bad for being mean to him.

"Yeah you seem cool and not ones to kidnap me so why not?" I ask with sarcasm yet again before jumping in with the younger one in the back of the car. I really couldn't care less if I got kidnapped. My life sucked anyways.

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