Dustin's crush | Chapter 5

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( Tabitha's POV)

Once making it to the junkyard we spotted two kids waving towards us. Dustin started heading towards them and after my confused glance at Steve, we both did too.

The junkyard consisted of old cars with a big, yellow bus standing out in the middle.

Dustin left the red head alone and had a secret chat to what I think is his friend. "Who's that?" I asked Steve pointing to the boy Dustin was with. He looked at me for a second before answering.

"That's Dustin's geeky friend. And that." He looked at The redhead before sighing in defeat. "I don't know who she is. I think it's a new member in their 'party'." He finished, Placing a pile of meat on the ground.

I stalked up towards her as she looked lonely sitting out in this junkyard alone; and plus I needed a girl to talk to. "Hey, I don't believe we've met. Tabitha." I introduced to the red head.

"Max." She replied back. "Are you one of Lucas's friends?" She asked curiously. Gosh was she was new?

"Actually I have no idea who he is. I just moved here to Indiana. You?" I asked politely as she answered back to me. "Yeah same. I just moved from California." She says smiling.

"Oh my gosh! I can't believe I didn't see you there." I say before linking arms with her. "You and me are going to be great friends." She then giggled and we walked to the whispering boys.

"Hey dickheads!" A loud voice boomed. And of course it had to be Steve Harrington clashing metal on the car Dustin and Lucas were talking at. "The only one helping is Tabitha and this rando girl." He says, gesturing for them to help dramatically.

"Okay asshole." Lucas replies back to him while Dustin smacks him across the head.

"Her names Max douche." I say while trying to carry heavy barrel . Gosh I'm weak.

"Hey let me help with that." Steve offered, placing down whatever he had in his hand. "It's too heav-" and there he goes lifting it like it's a feather. Well roll it. Which was probably smarter.

We worked for at least 30 minutes before finally boarding the bus.

"Hey are you new?" The boy I believed was named Lucas asked. "Yeah I am actually. I'm Tabitha." I greeted while scratching my neck. "Lucas. Nice to meet you." He shook my hand that I didn't even offer.

Steve was making a trail of gasoline I guess to light up. I must say he did look kind of hot doing it.

We all boarded the bus after long hours of work. I being last, Steve offered a hand for me. He knew fairly well I could climb stairs so why would he offer?

Of course I took Steve Harrington's hand and was the cause of his blush. We both squished in front of a seat and hid as well as the others. I could tell Dustin was staring at Max but I couldn't figure out why.

"He likes her." Steve whispered in my ear. Gosh did I get goosebumps even though it was over 40 degrees outside. "Hmmm, yeah. Probs the one he was talking about on the trail." I added the obvious. He just looked at me and chuckled.


It got dark pretty quickly and everyone was growing tired. Everyone got out of their spots except me and Steve. I now had my head on his shoulder and his head on top of mine.

He was playing with the fire in his hand. Flicking it on and off before a voice spoke for once in a few. "So you actually fought one of these things?" Max asked curiously to Steve.

He only nodded due to him being tired. "And you sure it wasn't a bear?" She asked on the edge of her seat. Before Steve could speak Dustin interrupted. "Gosh it wasn't a bear you idiot. If you don't believe us why are you even here??" He exclaimed madly.

My eyes widened and even though I couldn't see Steve, I think his did too. I lifted my head off of Steve's and stood up. I really needed some air. I didn't even want to intervene with the Dustin and his crush situation right now.

"Geese, someone's cranky. Passed your bedtime?" She asked climbing up the ladder. Good on her. That's why me and max are now officially best friends.

"Good. Show her you don't care." Steve says in pride, still flicking his flame. "I don't." Dustin says acting as if she isn't his crush. Steve winks at me and I just hid my laughs with a smile.

"Why are you winking at her?" Dustin asks in confusion. "Wait Steve-" I hear behind me. I had walked out of the bus. I needed some air to clear my clouded mind.

I sat on the front of the bus, still hearing Dustin's asks and pleads. I rubbed my temples before hearing Max and Lucas's conversation.

"It's a legal term called divorce." Max said reluctantly to which Lucas said sorry. I felt like I was invading their privacy so I walked a little further away.

I sat on the ground to think of everything, everyone, Hawkins.

I mean Hawkins is okay I just miss California.

Suddenly there was a loud growl in the distance. My senses heightened and I jumped to my feet in fear.

"Fuck, fuck , fuck" I whispered, running through the trees. I didn't even know how far I went. I didn't actually think these monsters would follow the track we made with raw meat.

Finally I saw the bus in the distance, with Steve Harrington in front of it.


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