The argument | chapter 8

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(Tabitha's POV)

We were now in a woman's house with the chief of the police station on the phone. I believe he was calling his own police officers. Jonathan was next to a boy laying on the couch. I have no idea what was happening and I was kind of irate because of that no one told me.

I introduced myself to the stressed woman and just meeting her I hugged her. She looked like she needed it. She offered for me to sleep the night but I declined due to all the pressure she had on her shoulders.

"Are you sure? It would be nice with your company around." Joyce asked to make sure but I couldn't do this to her. "It's okay Joyce, thank you. You are a lovely woman." I smile sweetly which she returns.

I spotted Steve sitting gloomily on the couch and I sit beside him. "Are we going to pretend we are just strangers or what?" I ask him while looking around.

"We are though Tabitha." Steve says sadly. He didn't meet my eyes. I looked confused and felt confused. "But I thought we were the 'power trio' or whatever you guys called it." I laughed to lighten the mood but it didn't so I remained silent.

"Why did you let go of my hand?" He asked after moments of silence. "Wha-" before I could finish he finally looked me in the eyes. "Why did you shake my hand off earlier today?" He asked more firmly. Not the type of firm that was mean but the one to not say 'what' in confusion again.

"Steve. Is this why your mad?" I asked. I looked at him before sighing. "Earlier when we met the girl..what's her name again? Nancy. She looked at us, bothered. I didn't know if you had a girlfriend or not and obviously it would be weird to hold hands with another girl in front of your girlfriend so I-" I got interrupted again.

"She's not my girlfriend. She's my ex." He confirms with me. I don't know why he would make this such a big deal and get mad over it. We're just friends right?

"And not only that but you are giving me mixed signals that I can't figure out!" He mentions while standing up. My head was spinning as I stood up as well.

"Steve I don't know what your saying! I think your going delusional." I say slowly in the last bit. "Me going delusional?" He air chuckles before licking his lips.

"And plus didn't you just say we were strangers? After all we did meet each other yesterday and with how this conversation is going I regret it." I say, immediately wanting to take back my words.

He looked at me in disbelief, betrayal and confusion.

"Steve I- I'll see you tomorrow alright?" I say before getting passed him to the door not even bothering to say goodbye to everyone. After today's long day I needed to get some rest. Everyone did. It was 12 but still I walked the streets home.

It was nice, the wind was cool. Along the way I saw shadows but just thought it was my eyes. Making it home finally, I opened the door and felt relieved to be able to sleep.

(Steve's POV)

Why was I mad?

I have no idea.

It's not like I have a crush on this girl already right? Wrong. I did. I had a major crush on her. It was like love at first sight. I can't stop thinking of her and I can't believe I made it such a big deal that she let go of my hand.

I'm so stupid.

I guess I just really cared for her and she held a big place in my heart. I don't even think about Nancy anymore or the feelings I have towards her. I was cool with Jonathan and now my eyes are only on Tabitha.

I had to apologise tomorrow but I don't know how or when. She also had to apologise and I deeply wish she didn't mean what she said.

"Steve!" Dustin snapped his fingers in front of me."no time for day dreaming and where- where's Tabitha?" He asks slowly while looking around.

"She went home. I think she was tired." I shrugged. He looked at me in a 'your lying' type of look. "Steve I heard your fight." He states, sitting down next to me.

"And you were the one giving me dating advice." He chuckles. "I should have listened to Tabitha when she called it bullshit." He laughs. I crack a small smile.

After a few minutes of silence, Dustin spoke. "We Ned Tabitha. We need her comments, her thoughts, she needs to come back."

"But how she's probably already home." I state, sulking back into the couch. "No. Don't think like that, think like she's waiting for you. She needs you, Steve Harrington."

I nod finally understanding what he was saying.

I looked outside to see it was raining but I ran anyways. I ran through the rain, no sight of her. I just made my way to mike's house and went off from there.

Once turning onto Mike street is smiled and knocked on her door hoping she opened it. After some footsteps a tired Tabitha opened the door. She looked beautiful as always, the only thing changing about her appearance is that her hair is tied up now.

I look her in the eyes and go for it. I grabbed her face and kissed her. She kissed back even with her confusion. I enjoyed every minute of it. The kiss lasted as long as well could hold our breath before both pulled apart.

"Finally." She says, smiling wide. I laugh. "It's only been two days like you said but yet I like you so much, Tabitha." I confess. She bites her lips before hopping in the rain with me. She shuts her door and run through it, holding my hand.

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