the rock meets toerys...

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the rock was casually walking to the shop seeing a man with Justin biber hair (idk how you spell it sorry) and then, toerys (Baldi with justin biber hair) then walked over to the rock and said "hello!" In a mysterious voice. The rock was confused at first but then said "hi" back toerys invited the rock to his house but then mr clean walked up to them and said "wassup" toerys blushed lots and the rock was kawaii af, mr clean came with them to toery's house since mr clean had nothing to do and then toerys said "should we have some lunch?" They all agreed except the rock was a bit suspicious since it wasn't lunchtime. The rock didn't think anything of it and just played along whilst mr clean just wasn't suspicious at all, toerys made lunch and poisoned one of the meals. But he forgot which one....

Toerys Poisons Mr clean..
Toerys was casually eating then suddenly mr clean started coughing and passed out, toerys was crying so much and made mr clean to dust and the rock was frozen. Mr clean was put in a pot (he is now ashes.) toerys regretted it and stayed away from the rock as much as possible but he kept running into him at the stores, but one day.....

Part 6?

mr clean x rockHikayelerin yaşadığı yer. Şimdi keşfedin