Chapter 4

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I smack Zaid so hard that my hand stings and pulsates. His face was turned away while tears well up in my eyes. "You disgust me." I whisper. "What's wrong with you?"

Of course by this point the rest of the house has gathered around. All in shock, as they watch the whole fiasco go down. I have never raised my hand against my brothers, it was always for them. Khalil decides to step in as he grabs for Zaid and leads him out of the room. I release the sigh I was holding and Amir came over to comfort me.

"What was that?" He questions.

"I - I - I don't even know. There's something up with him. He-he never speaks like that, ever." My voice shaky.

I drop on to a chair and place my face in my palms. Goodness, what did I just do...


The next couple of days pass away slowly and tensely, Zaid didn't speak to me and was never home, I was overwhelmed with guilt, and every one seemed to be walking on eggshells.

It's riving me mad. It seems like the whole house is in a depression of sorts. I decide that it is time for us to make up, a week is too long for the two of us to not talk.

Zaid walks inside the house as I wait on a mat in our living area. We make eye contact and he awkwardly but quickly starts walking away. I scramble to stand up, "Wait Zaid, stop walking!"

Pausing, he turns slowly to face me, "What?" His voice devoid of any emotion.

I swallow, "I - I'm sorry for hitting you." I wait for his reaction. "I was just very upset and I don't know what happened to me." He stares at me for a couple minutes, making me squirm on the inside, struggling to keep my composure.

A giant smile took over his features. He rushes forward to embrace me as I stand there a bit confused. But instead of just embracing me he grabs my face and places a chaste kiss on my lips. Astonished, I push him away , "Wh- what?" I am flabbergasted.

"I'm sorry too. And I, I didn't mean to kiss you. I just- I've had feelings towards you for a while now and I know we were always thought as siblings. But, I just couldn't help myself. Damn my urges."

I wasn't sure if I was disgusted or not. "Zaid. I do love you but not like that. If you want me to have those types of feelings for you you're going to have to give me space. I can't just accept this." I sputter out. Unsure how to approach this situation.

I walk away before he could reply and once out of sight rushed to my chambers. Locking the door behind me I go towards my bed and sit on it. Oh my, what just happened?

A man whom I have always looked at as a brother just confessed to me that he likes me in a different way, in an intimate way...

I mean is this even possible? Can Zaid and I be more than best friends? He is a great man kind, generous, a gentleman. He is extraordinarily handsome, more than most that I have seen in my travels. He sure does have a masculine build. But Zaid and Layla? Lovers? I try envisioning it and shudder at the image. Can I learn to enjoy Zaid 's presence at an intimate level?


The next morning comes quickly and I decide to take a walk in the orchards, As I am walking out, Amir decides to join me. I smile at him as he approaches. We step out the house and make our way to the grape vines.

The two of us stroll though the fruits quietly, enjoying the beauty of the world.

"Amir, I want to confide in you. But you must promise to never ever repeat what I am about to tell you."

"I vow to never repeat your words to any one but you." He swears placing his hand on his left breast over his heart.

Inhaling fresh air, I release a sigh and begin speaking, "Last night, I waited for Zaid. I was waiting so that I could apologize to him about striking him. After my apology, he stayed quiet and-." I hesitate before continuing. "He-he grabbed my face and placed a kiss upon my lips."

I stare at Amir's face awaiting a reaction. He went from confusion to shock then finally to anger. "He kissed you?! He kissed you?! How dare that kahlet (bastard)!" He turns to storm towards the house.

"But he was filled with guilt and immediately asked me to pardon him. And- he admitted to harboring feelings for me, for a while now. I - I don't know how I shall react! He is as a brother would be to me. I can not love him or show him any intimate affection." I rant grabbing for him.

"I know! We all were aware of some type of difference. We could see his change in character towards you, but we always assumed it was because you are a woman, because he's protective. Not possessive."

"What?!" I exclaim yanking his arm. "You suspected?! You mean you were aware of the possibility? Why didn't anyone want to mention this to me?"

He sighs, "We didn't want to accuse the man of something we don't know. I mean what if there wasn't any type of feeling and we had told you there was? There's a chance that you could've been the one professing your love and not him."

I want to shout and yell at him but I can't because he is absolutely correct. When you tell a woman that someone has feelings for her, she will hold on to that and ponder over it, imagining the possibilities. It's almost rare for a woman to put it behind her and laugh it off as if it were a joke.

"I guess you're right-." I agree and watch as a smug look develops on his face. "But! Only this time so don't get too excited!"

He sends me a mock glare and laughs, grabbing my hand and leading me to the gate, which leads to the outside of our home.

I spot Asad trampling around in the stable and I stop abruptly, "Wait! Some thing is wrong with Asad." I run over to see what has happened to make the horse so upset. Right as I open the door, a giant rat comes scurrying out. "Oh my!!!" I scream jumping around as the creature went left and right.

Amir's laughter becomes even louder as he watches me suffer. "You are despicable!" I spit out as soon as that disgusting being ran off. "How dare you laugh rather than help me!"

He continues to laugh at me, not caring that I was upset. After a while I gave in and start laughing along with him.

After he has calmed, he takes my hand in his. "Let's go to the market and see what we can buy!"

"Sure but I must get my veil."

"Nonsense! This city is more modern. The veil is unnecessary, most women here don't wear it anyway, why should you?"

"Perhaps you're right, but, my yellow hair and light eyes will stand out in all the dark haired, dark eyed crowds." I object.

"That may be, light colored eyes and hair may not be common but there are a lot of people who do possess it's beauty. You will be fine!" He pushes me out the door.

I agreed but I cannot shake the feeling that something bad can happen.


Media is Zaid. His name is Omeed Isari.

Hope you enjoyed this chapter.

Love you guys always.


Yours truly,


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