Chapter 12

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"Brother?!" I sputtered.  "I don't have any siblings that's impossible!"

I turned back to the man, the resemblance is extremely odd, he sure looks like he could be my brother but I don't remember ever having one, I was an only child and lived with my father for those few years after my mother's death.

"Yes, there's no way, my mother passed away during childbirth and I was told the child had died as well." He spoke.

"My mother passed away from childbirth as well-" I paused. This is odd.

"Well what was her name then?" Sharif spoke.

"Asiya {ah-sea-yah}." The man and I said simultaneously.  I froze again looking at him in utter shock. No way this person can not be my brother.

"Fine then there are hundreds of Asiyas out there, what was your father's name?" I demanded.

"My father was called Fadi {fah-dee}." He spoke again.

My father's name was Fadi, what in the world is happening this man can not be my brother! Now I'm angry this person is playing at something. 

"Who are you and how do you know the names of my parents, I was born with no siblings so, I can't possibly have a brother." I exclaimed. "Guards! Guards!" I cried in a panic.

"Wait stop! My name is Mazin{maa-zeen}, I speak the truth I swear to you!" He called out.

"Guards!" I screamed again grabbing their attention along with everyone elses. Immediately they came to grab this hooligan from in front of me. They started to drag him away and he started thrashing around when I noticed something on his hand. I gasped upon seeing it, tears filling my eyes.

"Wait halt! Release him!" I gasped. A tear escaped my eye as a walked toward him. Mazin watched me with careful eyes as I got closer. I stood in front of the man who resembled me so much. I should have known,  but I didn't want to believe it, this man is in fact my brother and all the proof that I needed was the ring placed on his right ring finger. It was a ring that my father owned and loved very much, my mother had a similar one but made for a woman. I would know because I wear it every day.  I brought my hand up, "That ring, it's my fathers. How did you get that?" I held up my own hand to show the matching one.


I walked, as usual, in the gardens but this time with my with my biological brother. "So explain this to me again," I started.  "You were young when you were sent to live with our mother's brother, due to financial issues?"

"Yes. I was maybe two years when our parents contacted our uncle to inform him that they had no money to afford raising me. He came to get me and I went to live with him for years until I found out that my own mother passed  away, years ago and that my father passed away that year. I guess I was too young to know about our mother, so I found out about both when I was seven." He explained.

It made sense the dates added up. I was four when when my father died and I was sent to an orphanage.

"When I went to collect our belongings, you weren't there and I was given the ring. As I got older I questioned about you but no one seemed to remember or they didn't know what had happened to you. I let it go thinking either you had really died as a baby or you passed away after our father." He finished.

I nodded slowly this is so much to take in... my brother, my parents had a son that I wasn't told about. It's absolutely insane.

"You look just like me it's almost uncanny." He chuckled. "Our uncle has yellow hair, like us, but unlike us his eyes are brown. He would be ecstatic to know that he has a niece. Our mother was the only family he had left, so when she passed away he was seriously upset."

"An uncle... I have a family. Well a family by blood, I should say. Tell me about him, our uncle, what's he like?"

"He is a very generous and kind man,  he donates to the needy and feeds the hungry. He has a lot of money he is the right hand man to King Jaffer.  That's why I'm here actually, because of Nour, I accompanied her back home."

I nodded in understanding, I would love to meet my uncle. My heart warmed at the idea that I have roots that tie me to my mother. It always hurt me knowing that I would never have a mother daughter bond with anyone. I wouldn't have anybody to dress me up on my wedding, to give my dowry, to cry with me when I left the comfortable confines of my home, I would never have the experiences that girls usually share with their mothers. Although I'm not a typical Arab woman, I'm sure that if I grew up in a home with my parents rather than the streets, I would be very different. But I'm at peace knowing that I have five brothers and an uncle! My life is good and I'm perfectly content with it.

I grasped Mazin's hand in my own pulling him to a stop. "I'm very happy that I have found blood family,  I hope that we can get to know each other and catch up on what we have missed in each other's lives." I smiled gently. 

He smiled back squeezing my hand and dropping it only to link our arms together. "So tell me about yourself sister. What have I missed these past twenty three years!" He laughed. I laughed with him and proceeded to tell him about my life and upbringing with my four older brothers.

Ok so I know this is so random! Lol Alex Pettyfer as Mazin. Which yes I know he's white but I feel like they could look like siblings Heba and Alex. Lol yeah... I evaluate like their cheek bones,  jawlines, eye colors, face shape... pretty similar. 

So she has a BIOLOGICAL brother! Another one to add to the list lol. Well sorry that it's short,  I'll make you happy to know that the next POV won't be Laylas. But I'm not telling who's it will be in. Yes I'm sneaky.

Sorry that this chapter is on the shorter side. I'll try to make the next one longer but no promises!!

●Mazin {maa-zeen}- clouds.(yes his name means clouds like  yaas)

love you all! ♡♡♡♡♡


Yours truly


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