Chapter 7

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I awoke from my nightmare with a start and remembered where I was, the castle of the King. My whole body ached from my horrible experience, chills rolled through me as I recalled the feeling of helplessness. Tears stung my eyes but I refused to let them fall, I absolutely hate tears and I hate feeling weak. I'm not allowing one bad experience take me down.

I got out of the bed and walked towards the doors, it was then that I seemed to notice that I was just in robes and that its not appropriate. I looked around to see if there was anything for me to wear just as I spotted a door on the side of the room, the door to the chamber opened.

In stepped a woman whom I recognized as the lady that nursed me to health during the week that I was injured and ill. She stared at me before speaking, "What are you doing out of bed? You must rest."

"I am well rested, my bruises have faded and the ache in my muscles have calmed. Thank you-"

"Kamillah." She provided.

"Yes thank you very much Kamillah for your treatment and help but I must get home now to my brothers. Where can I get a proper change of clothes, I can't leave here in sleeping robes." I rushed.

The woman chuckled. "I underestimated you. I figured you would be a wreck and in tears after you felt better but here you are up and about, speaking of leaving to go home." She smiled warmly. "You are very strong, Layla."

My eyebrows furrowed, "How do you know my name?" I inquired.

"You told me on your first night here. Don't you remember?"

"I remember very vaguely what happened during my recovery but I do know that you were the one to hold me and nurse me back to health. For that I am indebted to you, Kamillah." I smiled at her.

"No need, it's my job as a ladies physician to help women that are ill. Well I'll go and call one of your ladies maids to come and help you get dressed." She said before leaving.

My ladies maid? How do I have one of my own? That makes no sense, I am no royal, nor do I live here. There was a knock on the door before two young girls walked in one carrying fabrics and another a small box.

"Hello madam, I am Inayah {en-ah-yah} and this is my sister Iman{ee-maan}. We are going to be your maids from here on out and we will provide for you whatever you would like. We were informed that you want to be dressed for the day so we are here to assist you in that." They both curtsied.

What in the world is happening? "Lovely to meet you both, but why are you here to assist me? I am neither royalty nor a resident here?"

The two girls gave each other a look before Iman spoke. "Madam, we are unable to speak of such things. It's not our place, you will have to speak with his highness, the King of Jabbah."

My eyes widened the, that's right, I'm in the castle of the king. The one that I ran from, oh my. My heart started to race, what if he wants to punish me? I did commit a crime by running away, they can have me decapitated, hanged or worse, stoned to death. How am I going to get out of this situation.

"Madam?" They spoke snapping me out of my thoughts. "You must get ready for the day."

"Why yes of course but please call me Layla." I smiled.

They came to me and stripped the robe off hanging it to the side. Then they took me to a joining room with a metal bath. It was already filled with warm water and oils. I stepped inside the warm water feeling my nerves melt away. The twins quickly got to work rubbing soaps onto my body, helping me become clean. After they had finished I stepped out and was dried. I was then placed on a stool where they rubbed oils and potions onto my body giving off a delightful floral fragrance.

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